The Bag Lady thought she would share some pictures of her garden with you today.
She is very happy that the rain came when it did - her garden was very sad and pathetic-looking a mere couple of weeks ago. It is a lot happier now!
(Please click on any of the pictures if you want a better view of how bad the weed situation is!)
She went out yesterday to have a look (and pull a few weeds), and was dismayed to find that, although they look okay from a distance, her peas have had a visitor!

Here is a closer view of what her resident mama deer has been having for a midnight snack:

Apparently, the deer isn't all that fond of potato tops, and could only finish half the row of peas.

She hasn't touched the grapevine, either.... (must be a teetotaler!)

Here is the assistant gardener, inspecting the onions.

The Bag Lady tied some strips of Bounce dryer sheets onto the chicken wire supporting her peas. She used that trick last year and it seemed to help. If it doesn't work this year, she will be forced to come up with a better solution.
My mom does the same thing with the BOUNCE!!
and Id never have mocked it.
except maybe once.
(all the other times I merely stole the sheets and brought them back to my apartment for my fine washables)
I have never heard of the bounce thing! The things you learn from the Bag Lady :-)
Love your "assistant" - she looks very involved!
Your garden looks tremendous. It looks like a lot of work too so I'm glad you have an assistant.
Meanwhile, if you have those mesh/net/whatever bags around that onions and whatnot come in put those around the peas to ward off snackers.
Dryer sheets!! I had no idea! The animals have been wreaking havoc on our little garden. We tried spraying fox urine but despite the bottle's label that "humans can't smell it" we totally could and it was AWFUL. I'll try this next! Tks!
Bounce eh? Wonder if that would work to keep the deer away from my new Elderberry bush...
Some day I want a garden like yours!
I've never heard of using Bounce. Hm. Too bad we're past gardening season.
I love your assistant gardener!
Miz - I was desperate last year and thought it did help... but the deer had already pretty much decimated the peas before I tried it. We'll see if it works this year.
Missicat - my "assistant" is a royal pain in the butt! He lies down in the rows and rolls, crushing the veggies, but manages to avoid crushing the weeds!
dfLeah - I shall try the mesh bags as soon as I empty one. But these are hardy deer - they eat the onion tops, too!
Charlotte - the Bounce definitely smells better than those sprays! But I think the sheets need replacing after it rains.
JavaChick - it would be worth a try! And your comment made me smile, because every time you post pictures of your garden, I wish mine looked like YOURS! :)
BG - my assistant needs a little additional training, I'm afraid. He has trouble distinguishing between veggies and weeds!
Lovely pics! And I love the idea of the bounce sheet. Never would have guessed.
Scrumpy - Bounce works for all kinds of things. Put a sheet in with your stored off-season clothes to help repel insects, too.
BIG garden! That sounds like a very picky deer you've got.
Sagan - my deer is discerning! :)
Your garden always looks so good. I guess the deer thought so, too!
Thanks, Amy. As I've said before, we have very discerning deer! :)
Bounce ~ does more than freshen the laundry. Hehe. Let us know if it works this year. Poor deer, they are just looking for some grub. But I wouldn't want them in my garden either.
Garden looks great Sis. Um, doesn't the bounce stuff run onto the peas though in the rain? So, you can't eat them off the vine, you have to wash them first?
Aleta - Bounce is very versatile! :)
I know the deer are just looking for a little variety in their diet, but they don't like to share with us humans! They will eat them all, the greedy little brats!
Reb - Nah - I tied the Bounce to the chicken wire, and most of the pods are out of the way.
Bounce? Who knew? No deer here but some nasty slugs that have been chewing things up. Somehow doubt bounce would work for slugs...
Crabby - salt. Or a dish of beer sunken into the ground a little. Hate to waste the beer, though....
Sorry I haven't commented. Have been taking a quick peek.
Embroiled in family drama and health issues.
Let me know if you and the Rancher get down my way. I'd love to buy you a coffee or a beer...
I've rubbed Bounce sheets on grandsons for mosquito repellent. Worked ok. But, we only have tiny mosquitoes, not the people moving insectoids you get up North.
Pretty kitty.
lil Nana - I was wondering what was happening with you - hope everything is okay! That's a pretty big if, since it's hard to get the Rancher to leave home, but if we do ever get down your way, I'll be sure to let you know!
Thanks, Georgie! He is well aware of his charms!! :)
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