The Bag Lady has a couple photos to share with you. Here is one of her ever-so-graceful cat, Fuzzy (yes, the one who falls off chairs... is it any wonder?) The older cat had just walked by, so Fuzzy was attempting to catch his tail as he went by....

Here he is expressing his extreme boredom (in other words, he missed...)

And here's the full moon as it looked at the Bag Lady's house last night....

Never a dull moment around here.
full moon?
that CATS 'face'?
(cue ominous music)
methinks the cat is planning something...and not bored :)
keep us posted.
I had forgotten you had that stool! Love the bored shot! Mizfit may be right about the planning though ;)
I think BOTH cats are planning something.
Very beautiful pic of the moon!!!
hmmmm....maybe you should watch your back! Plotting cats can be dangerous... :-) mmmph...rustle
You were right! They were planning something!
Both of them sitting in my lap....
their combined weight almost crushed me!! :)
Ha! Love the cat photos!
I actually woke up in the middle of last night (because the cat wanted me to roll over onto my back so he could sleep on me) and the moon was so bright! It was shining in through the window even though the blinds were mostly closed.
JavaChick - it is still shining that brightly here! I could see across the yard when I got up this morning.
Ah cats and the full moon. I think you're in for some excitement...
Good moon shot.
dfLeah - thanks! Still wishing for a better camera, though... :)
Hee...does the cat sit like taht often? Very cute.
Never fear, the full moon always brings out somethign interesting...
Geo - He really was trying to catch the other cats' tail as he went by - he does it to the dog, too!
Silly cat.
Cats demonstrate the a major rule of comedy so well: you have to act perfectly serious about what you're doing or it's not so good. That's why cats are so funny.
You're making me think I should take more pictures and post them, 'cause I like looking at yours so much. Except you live in a prettier place...
Cute cats!
And that picture of the moon is really great.
Melissa - there is beauty everywhere, so take pictures and post them!
Tricia - thanks!
Older Cat looks quietly smug.
(Your moon looks exactly like my moon, only mine didn't get out from behind the clouds for long last night.)
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Mary Anne in Kentucky - older cat IS quite smug. He was pleased with himself for not allowing younger cat to grab his tail!
My moon looked very cool when it was rising, peeking out from behind the clouds, then looked very hazy from really light cloud cover.
The picture didn't really capture the essence of the whole experience.
Love the photos, and I agree, they certainly look as though they're up to something.
Melissa makes an interesting point; I never realized why cat's are so darn funny. It's because they take themselves so seriously!
Crabby - that is so true! I have never seen a cat laugh. The occasional smirk, but never an outright laugh!
Such a cute expression. That's a pretty moon!
Thanks, Sagan!
Adorable cats! I loved seeing the pictures!
Hilarious! Really great pics, they tell the story so well.
awww, cute are you! I'd like to give you a little kiss on your cute little kitty nose. I love cats!
Cat's are ALWAYS planning something. Evil little furballs. Actually, it looks as if he's howling at the moon. :)
Aleta - thanks! They are rather cute, aren't they? (and they seem to know it, too!)
Rupal - thanks. Fuzzy loves to get into mischief, but Tommy just ignores his antics.
Annette - you'd love Fuzzy then - he's such a cuddler!
Hilary - it does look like he's howling, doesn't it? He is very vocal... sometimes too much so!
Oh, Ya! Tommy is the man! He's the cool cucumber, just waiting for Fuzzy to attack him. You can tell Tommy isn't too worried. But, if he did, I'm sure Tommy could handle himself in his own silent way. There probably is a plot of some kind! Ha! Hope you had a great day!
Great kitty pics!
My soldier pen pal tells me there is an incredible ring around the moon in Afghanistan and he wishes for his good equipment so he could capture it and show it to me. While it may be a slightly different moon than what is in your photo, I sorta feel like you just showed me what he could not. Thanks. :)
Lucas - oh, I hope it was close to what he was seeing! And you're welcome!
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