Winter keeps returning to the Bag Lady's world! The other day, she woke up to more snow.

The wet, sticky snow clung to everything, including the gate to the hay-yard:

It was a gray, dull day.

Here is a cow's-eye view of the Bag Lady's house:

Later on in the day, the clouds cleared away and the sun came out:

As the sun set, the fog started to roll in:

The temperature this week is supposed to be more seasonal, unfortunately. The Bag Lady has to keep reminding herself that February is the shortest month, and when March arrives, spring can't be too far away.
Love the shot where the sun finally came out! Although the hay fence is really neat.
are the days getting a weeeeeeeeee bit longer there yet?
they are here and I love that 'promise of spring.'
I always suffer through February and can't wait until spring.
I would sing "Here Comes the Sun" but I think the mere mention is enough to put it in your head all day... We had sun yesterday and it seems that all of Ann Arbor hit the parks....and then went home and gave their dogs a bath. Need to install mudflaps on this mutt!
I love the pictures!
And spring is almost here...
Cool pics!!
Hey, Feb's almost halfway over! Spring's right around the corner!
Ah, the cow's-eye view. I always wondered how they saw the world. Seriously, good winter pics. It'll all be over soon. Spring will come.
Very pretty! We had an odd day yesterday - 70+ degrees - but today is back to "normal". *sigh*
BagLady, We are now just getting a taste of some of that warm weather that you had last week. Still snow on the ground, but I can hear the drip of melting snow. Hope you get some spring soon.
The last picture is so pretty.
It's been warmer here for a while - February is the shortest month but it always seems so's the little warm spurts that keep me going! Yesterday was +2...I'll take it for a few days :)
Yesterday the high was 61F, but when I walked down to the creek (full of snow melt) the bottom field was still frozen solid. Like walking on concrete. Nice contrast with the ankle deep mud near the house. The flies were awake, too, so spring is definitely on the way.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Love the huge difference the sunshine made!
So I'm waiting for Feb to be over too. Not so much because of the weather here, but because we are so eager to get back to the east coast and be in our own house again.
Our bicoastal experiment needs a little tweaking! Staying with relatives may not be worth the tradeoff in terms of temperature.
We're counting down the days until we head back!
So beautiful, though! And March really is right around the corner.
Reb - it looked really pretty in real life, when the sun finally came out, but the camera didn't pick it up as well as I had hoped. (Couldn't have been the photographer's lack of skill...)
Miz - oh yes, the days are noticeably longer - we are gaining a few minutes fore and aft every day! Yippeee!
Poutalicious - we are in the same boat. I'm really looking forward to spring!
Marianne - thanks. Now that's gonna be stuck in my head all day! :)
Not much mud here yet, and it's cooling off, so mud season is probably a ways off yet.
Tricia - thanks! I keep that in my head like a mantra - Spring is coming, spring is coming....
Rupal - thanks. Spring is coming, spring is coming.....
dfLeah - well, that's how they see my house, anyway! Not sure about the rest of the world. (And didn't I read somewhere that they are colour blind? Must investigate.)
Missicat - 70F??? That must have been great! Like a little taste of spring.
Tom - thanks. We have had some dripping around here, too, but it's freezing up again. Another month before we get serious thawing, I think.
Geo - thank heavens for those little warm spells - makes it almost tolerable, right?
Mary Anne in Kentucky - those flies are a sure sign, right? I had one in my sunporch the other day. He was pretty sluggish, though, and all alone. Fascinated my cat, 'til he got bored and ate it.
Crabby - I can understand the tweaking thing - living with relatives is fine for a little while, but must get a little tiring for everyone.
Sagan - yup. Spring is coming, spring is coming.... (and calving season, too!)
You're welcome to pay us a visit! Temps are supposed to be in the 70s (F) all week. We're having to run the a/c to keep the humidity down.
Love the pictures! Hey the sun came out here yesterday and people started walking around in shorts and tee shirts. Then today it was back to cold (though not freezing) and I bet it snows before too long. Damn groundhog! :-(
Here it warmed up toward the end of last week and over the weekend...Only to plunge back down to frigid by this morning.
Oh yes, spring! The warm weather and sun lately is really spoiling us. I hope it doesn't take a nose-dive in temperatures because I don't think I can take it. Lovely pictures of the cow's eye view! Don't tell me. You're teaching your talented cows not only to be escape artists, but, to use the camera, too!
we are getting close now! Your snow IS beautiful!
BG - is my room ready, or do I need to bring my sleeping bag? :) Thanks for the offer!
Melissa - this has been the strangest winter - the temp. jumping all over the place, rain snow, wind, thunder and lightning - crazy!
Javachick - it's crazy weather all over the place, isn't it? Wonder what else it has in store for us this winter? On second thought, maybe I don't want to know! :)
Redbush - I'm with you - if it takes a nosedive back to the minus 40's, I might have to leave!
Annette - a little beauty goes a long way, as far as snow is concerned! I'm ready for some green beauty now! :)
Lovely shots there, Baggie. Your camera skill are just fine to my eyes. Spring-like breaks in February go a long way to making the winter bearable. It's such a long month for such a short one. Though this afternoon just flew by for some reason. ;)
Thanks, Hilary! And you're right - some days time absolutely flies by! I need to learn to switch ears, though....:)
Love the photos. There is beauty to be found in all of them. I love Mother Nature and the Great Outdoors. It's the most amazing show each and every day. :)
Lucas - and one I never tire of watching! Thanks.
"cows-eye view" *snort!*
It sure is beautiful in your part of the world, Baggie.
Thanks, kcinnova!!
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