And here is a self-portrait. Notice how attractive
You might also notice that she doesn't have much else for you today. The biggest excitement lately has been that she had to climb into the granary and shovel the oats closer to the door. Believe her when she tells you that it is a miserable job. Dusty, dirty and itchy. But occasionally necessary. The Bag Lady has fairly long arms, but there is a limit to how far she can reach!
On the other hand, it is good exercise. And so is trying to blow all that dirt out of your nostrils for a couple days afterwards... oops, was that too much information? The Bag Lady really should learn to wear a mask when she does something like that.
Have a great weekend!
I was afraid you were going to tell me you saw a mouse in the grainery. Much better to be told about blowing dust out your nose!
HA! we be blowing city grit out the nostrils year round here!
Hope you have a great weekend!!
"attractive chore coat!"
I LOVE the self-portrait picture BL!
Give it one good honk and you may just blow one of those mice to which KC referred out of your nose.
kcinnova - no mice, but several squirrels, and the remnants of their old nests!
Rupal - yet another reason to live in the country! Hope your weekend is great, too!
Jim - the coat is mostly rags hanging from my shoulders!
Miz - thanks! Quite a lovely silhouette, isn't it?
Hilary - eeeuuuwww - I have a really small nose - that hurt.... :)
Lovely pic of the trees. That's the upside of snow and cold.
I got a kick out of the self-portrait.
And as for the fun in the granary, well, having done that with barley you a) have my sympathy and b) made me itchy.
dfLeah - sorry about the itch-memory. There's a joke in there somewhere - instead of scratch and sniff, it's read and itch...? :)
I love the self-portrait.
You take the best pictures.
Aw, thanks, Tricia!
Surely oat-dust in the nose is healthier than dog hair? At least it's food! (I do try to wear a mask when blowing out heavy coat, but it doesn't work all that well. A space suit would be better.)
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Mary Anne in Kentucky - a haz-mat suit would probably be best for both of us! There is always the possibility of Hanta virus involved with granaries, to say nothing of grain dust disease...
Yes, ms baglady, you should wear a mask to protect yourself from all that grain and rodent dust! Blowing it out your nostrils. Isn't that what the bull was doing in the video a while back? Love the shadow! It looks a little like the Alfred Hitchcock shadows! Hey, maybe you can create a horror video! Ha!
Beautiful scenery picture.
I'm with Mizfit, I love the self portrait.
Have a great weekend!
Redbush - Hahahaha - a Hitchcock video.... hmmm.... let me ponder that one!
Maggie - thanks! Hope your weekend is great, too!
I do love to see the frost on the trees. It just looks like a painting.
Love the photo! The texture of the snow makes it look so three dimensional.
And hope warmer weather arrives soon--not that you were complaining!
SB - it is pretty, isn't it?
Crabby - thanks! And no, I wasn't complaining! See, this is me, not complaining.....:O)
LOL! You look like a lady snowman!!!
I'm so tired of my big puffy winter coat, I could spit.
Melissa - I know what you mean! I don't even want to look at my winter clothes anymore!
Like the pix. Envious. We haven't had much snow in the Denver CO area, which is very odd. When we get our homestead, I'm sure I'll have a chore coat too: can't wear my everyday to milk the mini-cows and feed the chickens/gather eggs! Vee at
Vee - that does sound strange - Colorado usually gets lots of snow! (I can FedEx some to you if you'd like....)
And yes, you'll definitely want a chore coat when you have your homestead! :)
Chore coats are supposed to look like that...that way we know you have been doing chores ;) It's not like you can't get your hands on an armful of masks either! Start wearing one.
Love the photos, but I am complaining about the cold - in my apartment - outside my apartment - everywhere!
So so pretty.
I went to Costa Rica to help build a church with Canada World Youth and the dust got EVERYWHERE, I'm pretty sure it really is an exercise in itself from blowing your nose lots!
Reb - I keep forgetting to take a mask outside with me. I hadn't really planned on shoveling oats....
Sagan - oh, yes. Took 2 days to get it all out. Disgusting, isn't it?!
I love your pictures! So peaceful. And thanks for the mental snot image. Reminds me of girl scout camp where we were all blowing black boogers for days after spending too much time around ye olde campfire.
Charlotte - black boogers rule!!! :)
And it is really peaceful here, most of the time. Except for the wild parties those cows have periodically....
what a clever shot of yourself!!!
And, in case no one else has asked yet, can you eat these oats for breakfast?
Annette - I suppose you could eat the oats - they would have to be cleaned and ground first....
I hadn't thought of hanta virus--somehow I thought it didn't survive that far north, at least not outside a mammal.
Once when coughing up a lot of dog hair I decided that if coal miners get black lung, and quarry workers get grey lung, and textile workers get white lung, then groomers must get Fuzzy Lung.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Mary Anne - that cracked me up! :)
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