The Bag Lady saw a little bit of the news yesterday, and noticed that Eastern Canada has been getting a taste of winter lately. There were pictures of vehicles buried in snow up to the windows, and folks shoveling and pushing cars out of snowbanks. It reminded her of the winter Alberta suffered through last year. It also reminded her of the winters of her childhood. She recalls all too clearly one particular snow storm that caused her to walk to school down the very middle of the street, where the snow was not quite as deep as on the sidewalk. It was only up to her hips in the middle of the street! Oh, by the way, she was in high school at the time, so the snow (which had fallen overnight) was almost 3 feet deep.
She doesn’t know if the mild winters of these past few years (not counting last year) can be attributed to global warming, or if it is just a natural cyclical thing. She is not a scientist so she keeps her opinion to herself. She does think, though, that it is partly due to the natural cycle, and partly caused by humans.
So far this winter there have been a few fairly cold snaps, but relatively little snowfall in our immediate area. The Cowboy said there is a lot more snow on the ground not that far to the north of us. But we still have a good three months of winter left, so there is still plenty of time for more snow. According to the calendar, winter hasn’t even arrived yet!
The Bag Lady is more than happy to have relatively mild winters with not too much snow because it is so much easier on the cattle. And on the Bag Lady!
So, to our friends in eastern Canada, hope the snow isn’t too deep nor the temperature too cold for you. Maybe you didn’t notice that while you were basking in your unseasonably warm autumn, we were freezing our butts off. Actually, the Bag Lady is not being nasty. The news reports of people stranded in airports for hours, if not days, did arouse some sympathy in her, and she hopes the weather improves in time for everyone to get safely to their destinations before Christmas. But, after all, this is Canada, and anyone who has lived here for any length of time knows that the weather can be unpredictable. That’s part of what makes us all so tough…right?
The best part of winter is that it makes summer all the more enjoyable. Kind of like hitting your head against the wall because it feels so good when you stop.
The truth be told, I'm enjoying the winter so far. Partly because the nice weather persisted for so long around here and partly because I'm enjoying snapping photos.
In any event, whatever makes it go by quickly is fine with me... once it begins officially that is.
Hi, Hilary! So did you get that horrendous snowfall in your area, or did it miss you?
We have had fairly mild weather here for the last little while, but it is a wee bit cooler this morning. Such is life.
And yes, winter does make the Bag Lady appreciate summer all the more. Especially the 20 hours of sunlight we get up here!
Snow dumps like that are no fun, unless you are a child &/or like to do outdoor things in winter. Removing that amount is a bitch! I can feel sorry for them too.
I also feel sorry for the newcomers to our country (in the apt bldg here) who are complaining about the cold - they don't think they will make it through the winter. Aw, it hasn't even gotten really cold yet.
Reb: Ain't that the truth... if they think it's cold now, wait until winter really hits!
I have to say, as tempted as the Lobster and I have been to migrate north and chuck our yucky US citizenship, the weather has always made us hesitate!
Hope all the East Coasters can dig out soon. And I think, Bag Lady, you're idea of a "mild" winter and mine are probably pretty different!
Crabby, you and the Lobster could always do what a lot of Canadians do and become "snow-backs" - summer in Canada and winter in Arizona or Florida. The best of both worlds!
And the Bag Lady's idea of a mild winter is just a little snow, and temps steady around the freezing mark. Just enough to make us appreciate summer...
Baggie, it wasn't "horrendous" here but we had about 20 or 25 cms. I was glad that my son was here to shovel us out.
I wish we had atleast an inch of snow here...send some down : )
Hi, Emily - glad to see you back! The Bag Lady doesn't have an awful lot of snow yet, but maybe Hilary could part with some (tee hee)!
It's turned mild here today.. it's melting.. it's mellltiiiiiiinnnnngggg.....
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