The Bag Lady realizes that she is a poor substitute, but she will attempt to take over the Gratitude Monday duties just this once! Many of you are faithful readers of the Bag Lady’s cousin Leah’s blog, the Goat's Lunch Pail, and the Bag Lady is sure you are missing her dry wit and insightful comments as much as the Bag Lady is. Leah has a regular Gratitude post on Mondays, and finds things to be grateful about in many situations.
The Bag Lady is grateful for the good medical care that Leah has received, and also that there is a possibility that Leah may be released from the hospital. The Bag Lady has all her fingers and all her toes crossed that Leah gets her MRI and gets to go home today.
There is so much to be grateful for at this time of the year – family, friends, and good food (to say nothing of all those presents glittering under the tree!). Friends of the Bag Lady and the Cowboy appeared at their doorstep yesterday, armed with chainsaws and a flat-deck trailer. They knew that the Cowboy was still having back trouble (and the Bag Lady has a few problems of her own – some of them are even physical!). They also knew that there was very little wood left in the woodshed, so they took time out of their own busy schedule to come and help fill that up. The Bag Lady is so grateful for such good friends! Her house is warm, and so is her heart.
The Bag Lady hopes that all of you have something to be grateful for today, and that your holidays are filled with warmth, both in your homes and in your hearts.
Merry Christmas, and the blessings of the season to you all.
Lovely post, Baggie.
I hope your holiday continues to be wonderful. And that would include an early release for Leah.
Have a great one!
Thanks, Hilary! Hope you are enjoying your visit with your son, too.
Wonderful post Sis! Glad to hear you are warm and have more wood to keep you that way.
Merry Christmas!
Best to you and yours, and especially to Leah, who I hope will be unwrapping her gifts under the tree by this time tomorrow!
Merry Christmas!
Thanks, Reb, and Merry Christmas to you, too!
Bunnygirl, I'm seconding that as far as Leah goes. Merry Christmas!
df Bag Lady,
I am grateful that Leah will be blogging again soon.
I am grateful for my blog friends and the strength and humor they provide for me.
Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year to all.
dfTerrie - Merry Christmas to you and yours, too!
Great post, and yes--it's so important to realize all we have to be grateful for!
Have a great holiday and give my best wishes to Leah.
Thanks, Crabby, and best of the season to you and the Lobster, too!
Well, as it is getting late and I haven't heard from Leah, I called the hospital. She has had her MRI, but was nowhere the nurse I spoke to could find her. I can only assume from that that she is waiting to get the results and than will be allowed to skedaddle. I will post again, when I have heard from her.
She just called, she had the MRI and is just waiting for the get out of hospital card. Once the Doctors have had a chance to review, she should be good to leave. She will call me tomorrow when she has the results.
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