Friday, June 3, 2011

Photo Finish Friday - Bumbling About

This is the Bag Lady's crapabble crabapple tree. (Spellcheck doesn't like either of those words, by the way!)

If you look closely, you can see a bee or two - the whole tree was buzzing! (for all the good it does - there isn't another apple tree close by, so this one never produces any apples. It's all for show.)

Photo finish Friday is the brainchild of Leah, over at the Goat's Lunch Pail.


Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

At least it's a pretty show!

Shaheen said...

Oh thats a shame, but I agree with Kcinnova - its a pretty show!

the Bag Lady said...

kcinnova - that it is!

Shaheen - thanks for stopping by!

Leah J. Utas said...

It's pretty. Sad you don't get any fruit from it. Those lazy bees ought to go out and find another tree!

Hilary said...

Plant a Delicious boyfriend for her! Maybe a guy named MacIntosh. One day the'll produce beautiful fruit together. Before you know it, she'll be up to her pits in little Spartans. And of cores, future generations will call her Granny apple. It's all so apeeling.

messymimi said...

You could plant another. It might take a few years, but the show is even more beautiful when it ends with a nice crabapple jelly.

Reb said...

Very lovely. I agree with Hilary (lol)you should give it a friend.

the Bag Lady said...

Leah - I'll tell them you said so.

Hilary - I actually did plant another (different kind) crabapple tree close by, but it doesn't bloom at the same time!

messymimi - if I knew what kind this was, I'd try to get another just like it, so it would bloom at the same time!

Reb - yes. (and you will notice I'm ignoring Hilary's puns, 'cause she's the master and I couldn't begin to come up with anything half as funny!)

Levi said...

Baggiebuns! That is a gorgeous photo of spring..the kind of spring only other people are enjoying. Skies are dark and dreary - here-y.

But praise the lord, my word verification word is WHINO.


the Bag Lady said...

Janell - a sign of how quickly the weather can change around here! It was gorgeous yesterday, hot and sunny. Today? It SNOWED for a couple minutes a little while ago.
Please pass the wine, we can both be whinos! :)

solarity said...

The consolation is not having to look at the crabapples lying there, waiting in vain for you to pick them up and make jelly. So many fruits, and a finite number of jelly jars....

Mary Anne in Kentucky

the Bag Lady said...

Mary Anne in Kentucky - you have a very valid point! I had forgotten about that aspect of having a crabapple tree!