Monday, June 6, 2011

Driving Ms Bossy

It's that time of year again.
Cattle-moving time.
The Rancher and the Bag Lady helped a neighbour move his cows from his winter feeding area to summer pasture. There were several trailer-loads, but it was a short trip. In fact, the neighbour had debated about driving the cattle (as opposed to trucking the cattle) but decided that the fellow with the freshly-seeded, un-fenced field along the way might not be too happy if the cows decided to visit that new growth.
With the help of a few friends and their stock trailers, the job took no time at all.
(click on any of the photos to enlarge)

Releasing the first load:

C'mon out girls...

The nearly empty corral...

Later in the afternoon, a little sun-shower to finish the day:

The Rancher and the Bag Lady will be moving their own cattle to summer pasture sometime in the near future as well. But not yet.


Leah J. Utas said...

Good photo story. Glad the moooving went well.

the Bag Lady said...

hahahaha - thanks cousin! It was definitely a smooth mooooove!

Charlotte said...

Okay between your post title and you and Leah's comments, this is the punniest post ever:) I love it! (And so glad the moooovers didn't break anything.) I had to try...

solarity said...

Synchronicity strikes: I couldn't see through the trees, but I could hear cattle being loaded up to the east of me while I was hanging out laundry this morning. There was much complaining from the ones left behind.

That grass looks delicious.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Redbush said...

Glad it was a trip with no glitches! I seem to remember a trip a few years back that had a little more moooovie material! Ha! I'm sure the bossies are much happier with all that new grass.

Reb said...

Sounds like a great moooving day! Love the rain shower photo.

messymimi said...

Glad things went smoothly. Love puns, you've made me smile.

Levi said...

Fun puns. hahaha
Leah totally cracked me up. Bad influences - all of you cows.

Hilary said...

Fun stuff in this post and comments here. I'm glad you were able to bring the cattle over to the udder field. ;)

I love that last image and I'm glad to see that your snow is gone.

the Bag Lady said...

Charlotte - and you did very well indeed!
Mary Anne in Kentucky - glad I could be of service!
Redbush - yes, it was a welcome sight for those cows.
Reb - thanks. It was a pretty shower!
Messymimi - glad we made you smile!
Janell - it was a golden opportunity.
Hilary - good one! (I knew I could count on you!)