Monday, January 17, 2011

Heavy Snowfall Warning in Effect

Also seems to be having an effect on the ability of the satellite signal to penetrate the heavy cloud cover.
Can anyone see the picture, 'cause the Bag Lady can't, even though Blogger assures her it's there.


The resolution isn't very good on this first picture, but the Bag Lady forgot to try to fix it.

As of approximately noon, the snow has finally stopped falling, and this is how much accumulated on the back of the Bag Lady's truck over the weekend.

This was plowed out yesterday!


Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

Nope, sorry, no snowy picture to be seen... but I do still see a cute calf drinking from a whiskey bottle.

Leah J. Utas said...

Nope. Sorry. Clouds are obscuring everything.

Anonymous said...

I see the devil's face, a hand grenade, some ominous splatters...and a butterfly.

Reb said...

Nope, no photo here either. Damned satellite!

WV: apeped- your photo apeped at blogger ;)

Geosomin said...

Can't see a pic - sorry.
Hope the snow eases off a bit there. We're getting buried out here...:)

solarity said...

Blogger appears to be lying to you.

The snow certainly interfered with my satellite connection last week.

But the WV is "picia" which must stand for "pic in absentia.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

solarity said...

Grrr. Where did I drop that stray quote mark?

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Hilary said...

So I'm the only one who sees these photos? That scares me!

the Bag Lady said...

I think they should be visible to everyone now - Blogger finally allowed me to post them. :)

messymimi said...

They are finally up, and i hope you don't get too much more!

Geosomin said...

I can see them now too :)
That *is* a lot of snow!

Redbush said...

This household has the exact same scenario, Bag Lady! After shovelling the deck everyday since I don't know when, I'm wondering if somebody up there is telling me that I need more exercise! Ha! Enough snow already! I couldn't see the first picture, but saw all of them starting with the shed. Great snowy photos!

solarity said...

My father used to shovel snow into the back of his truck to increase the weight over the back wheels. I see you don't need to bother with that....

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Kappa no He said...

I see the photos too! I say this while firmly knocking on wood, I kinda miss snow. Raised in Alaska but where I am now...nothing falls from the sky but rain.

Beautiful photos. (I'm here via Hilary, btw)


Cheryl Kohan said...

Well, I do see a picture but I've come to the party late so....

I wonder if we're really neighbors but just can't see each other because of the snow! Let's each go outside and jump up and down waving our arms...maybe we'll see each other.