While on their vacation, the Bag Lady and the Rancher drove through a canyon that made them feel like they were in a western movie! You know the movies involving canyons with really steep walls -- either the posse is chasing the bad guys to their hideout, or the wagon train is being watched by Indians lining the canyon walls.

The Bag Lady admits a slight sense of disappointment that there were no Indians in warpaint and a greater sense of disappointment that John Wayne was nowhere in sight.
Photo-Finish Friday is the brainchild of
Leah over at the Goat's Lunch Pail.
Great pics, df Bag Lady. Where is this?
I suppose you could have been listening to a movie soundtrack...
Wow.. lovely area. No John Wayne sighting is a good thing.. that would be scary as hell.
Ah, if you are the passenger, half close your eyes and use your imagination. I'm sure you could almost see them if you tried.
Love the pics.
Lovely photos Sis.
dfLeah - it was in Idaho.... somewhere (I'm afraid I don't remember the exact location).
kcinnova - we should have been!
Hilary - *snort* - good point!
messymimi - Actually, I was driving at that point, so half-closing my eyes probably wouldn't have been a good idea.
Thanks, sis!
Yes, I can just feel them hiding for an ambush around the bend! Love the photos! Looks a little warmer than we have it right now!
I'd have been too busy being grateful I was in a modern motor car instead of a wagon to miss the ambush.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Redbush - it was definitely warmer there than it is here today!
Mary Anne - I, too, was grateful I wasn't in a wagon..... although, it would be cool to travel in a wagon sometime!
I'm with Hilary about John Wayne...LOL! Beautiful shots. Every time we travel through landscapes like that I think how scary it would be after dark. You wouldn't be able to see a THING! Gorgeous during the day, though.
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