Friday, October 8, 2010

Photo-Finish Friday - Autumn

Honeysuckle Clematis, autumn-ized:


Reb said...

Holy Clematis, Batgirl! That is huge!

solarity said...

I had one climbing (clambering?) up a utility pole at the old house. It never got that high even with the pole's help.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Gail said...

It looks happy there!

Leah J. Utas said...

It looks so fluffy and inviting.

the Bag Lady said...

Reb - yes, it grew very well this year!

Mary Anne in Kentucky - this one has been established for a long time, and I didn't trim it back last year, so it really expanded.

Gail - it certainly seems to be!

Leah - it does, doesn't it? The cats seem to think so, too, because they are always hiding out in it.

Hilary said...

Oh nice.. you and your green thumb.

Word verification "thold." I never even knew that it was for thale. ;)

the Bag Lady said...

Good one, Hilary! snort

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed! and laughing over Reb's comment.

messymimi said...

Wow! I know some people with gardens around here who would be jealous.

solarity said...

Mine had been there a while when I bought the house, and I never cut it back except when it grew out into the driveway and I drove over it. It just wasn't as motivated as yours.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Cheryl Kohan said...

Wow! Looks like it's there to stay! I can't believe how pretty it still is. Ours hasn't had blossoms for a couple of weeks.