This is where the Bag Lady and the Rancher will be spending some of their time this summer.
The Rancher wanted to teach the Princess how to swim. He threw a stick into the water:

And tried to coax the Princess into going after it:

She decided that if he wanted the stick badly enough, he could get it himself!

It's going to be fun hanging out here:

Just as soon as they get this spot cleared for their motorhome:
are you so excited? Id love to join you and hole up in the motorhome and read and chat and nap.
as long as someone ELSE is taking care of the clearing piece....
ooh and my word verification word? FATE
hmmmm :)
Don't clear away too much shade.
Are there fish in there? The Princess might be more excited about retrieving them!
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Oh, that looks like a welcoming spot.
Carla - that would be so nice! (And clearing the space is a really good workout - the Rancher cuts the deadfall into manageable pieces and I stack it for firewood!)
You might need to pay attention to your word verification.... :)
Mary Anne in Kentucky - no fear of losing too much shade.
The Rancher's brother has been talking about stocking it with fish. Might not be 'til next year, though.
It is a really nice spot, cousin!
Looks like it will be a great place to hang out. Want me to send Benny so he can teach the Princess about swim'n'fetch?
Hilary - that might be a good plan! As long as you and Frank come, too (and perhaps bring some of those fish from your latest post so we can carp-ette the pond!)
Looks nice. You may have to find something more enticing than a stick to throw into the water for the Princess, though.
If you need a boy to throw the stick for the Princess, I'm sure SnakeMaster would let me drive him up there...
Looks restful.
I hope you have a great vacation.
BG - she might go into the water for a big steak..... :)
kcinnova - the Princess loves kids! She might even fetch the stick for a boy! :)
messymimi - it really is a lovely spot, and very quiet. Now, we just need to get our camp spot set up and find some time to actually go there and enjoy it! :)
Just stopped by to advise you that you have an award at my place.
I'm with the Princess, actually. The water is great to look at but I wouldn't want to actually get IN it. Wow, what a great spot for a getaway, though.
Cheryl - actually, I agree with you and the Princess. Not only does the water look a little dirty, it's REALLY deep! (and I can't swim)
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