This is the honeysuckle clematis at the Bag Lady's front door.

She just might have to do something drastic to it because, in the few days since she took this photo, it has stretched even further across the steps. She is starting to be a little afraid of it. She even thought she heard faint cries for help coming from the depths.....
As long as it doesn't reach out and trip you on the steps, you should be okay!
Rather like the growls I hear occasionally from under #2 Son's bed, I would think. Go poke with a broom before you make a frontal assault, that always works for me.
I thought it was too cold where you are for kudzu....
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Definitely prod it with a broom before you do anything. And have your camera ready.
Mine is not nearly that big and I've already been thinking I have to do something. I think I might want to dig it up and move it (which would be a fun job, but I think it could still be managed at this point) but I can't figure out where I would move it too...
kcinnova - it is actually getting to that point!
messymimi - good idea! A really long broom.
Mary Anne in Kentucky - hehehehe - I've read about kudzu, but have never actually seen it!
Good point, cousin - one never knows what might come out of there!
JavaChick - they really are not all that hard to move. I had originally planted this one at my house in town, which I rented out for a few years after moving out here. My tenants (bless their little hearts) cut it right down to the ground because they said it was tearing the lattice off the fence. Made it really easy to dig it up and move it out here, and it obviously didn't suffer! Other people I know with clematis vines cut them down every fall, and they come back very nicely every year.
Just sharpen up the scythe and have at it.
Good idea, sis!
There's magic in your soil
Gail - that must be the answer! :)
I agree with Leah...have a stick or something with you so you can whack it if it tries anything funny.
We've got a clematis like that...last night there were a billion buds on it and today it's all abloom. But it's not a killer clematis like yours...whew!
Attack of the killer clematis! I'm here in catch up mode,enjoying your photo posts.. particularly that darling little hummingbird. I managed a few shots at an adult hummer while at the cottage last week and I know how small they are.. the babies you've photographed? Priceless!
Hilary - I'm sure your photographs of the adults are fabulous. I just feel lucky to have been able to catch a glimpse of the baby hummer.
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