She has been thinking she should make a sign for the road that reads "Caution - Bunnies Crossing", but she fears it would confirm her neighbour's suspicions that she is a lunatic.
She went to the greenhouse yesterday and purchased some bedding plants for the pots on her deck. She bought some tomatoes and peppers, as well as some alyssum, geraniums and petunias. She left them on the deck overnight to help them acclimatize, and will put them into some pots after work today
She has a lot of work yet to do in her yard because the weeds don't seem to have any consideration or compassion - they continue to proliferate regardless of the fact that she doesn't have as much time to devote to gardening as she did before she started working!
This coming weekend is a long weekend in Canada, and the forecast is for rain and cooler temperatures. The Bag Lady is not complaining about the rain, though - it will help her garden grow, and the pasture and hay crops really need a drink! There has not been much precipitation in this area and drought conditions prevail. Rain would be welcome, but the Bag Lady bought something that will help..... a new sprinkler head! She figures that if she waters the garden, that will make it rain! Good thinking, eh?
Watering the garden works here! Another half an inch of rain yesterday.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Good luck with the bedding plants, Bag Lady. And sprinkle away, we need the moisture.
Mary Anne in Kentucky - apparently, all I needed to do was purchase the sprinkler head! A thunderstorm rolled in last night and gave us enough rain to make little puddles.
dfLeah - I'm hoping the bedding plants will flourish in spite of me!
Cute bunny. At my dad's place in New Mexico, if you get up early enough you'll see cottontails all over the rural roads, along with the occasional jackrabbit. They're mostly pretty good at staying out of danger.
BG - there is an oil well on a property to the east of us that is checked on a daily basis, and the oilfield workers who check it drive very fast, with little regard for anyone or anything else. It makes me worry for the bunnies.
I am itching to get out and do some garden work but have had very little time. We stopped at the superstore on the way home yesterday and Husband was grinning at me as we pulled out because he said I was looking longingly at the garden center in the parking lot. My parents are coming for the weekend and I'm kinda hoping my Mom might want to go out and play in the dirt with me. :)
JavaChick - oh, that's one of my favourite memories of my mom - going to the greenhouse and wandering around, choosing flowers. I was thinking of her yesterday when I was there!
Hope you and your mom can play in the dirt!
Of course watering the garden makes it rain. Just like giving up on waiting for that phone call and running to the restroom just for a moment makes the phone ring...
Go ahead and put up the bunny crossing sign if you want. The neighbors can think whatever they like if it keeps the critters from getting hurt.
Just yesterday we found a nest of baby bunnies under our front porch! I was all "awwww!" and the kids were like "can we keep them??" and my husband was all "*&#$%*& disease-carrying, garden-chewing vermin!!!" The bunnies are now gone. :(
Ah, what a familiar topic! I should have read your blog before doing mine! Great minds think alike, I guess! Ditto on the rain subject. I'm so glad we planted the garden already, but, am afraid to plant my bedding plants. With my luck, it's Murphy's Law that the temperatures would get way too cool after I did. Great choice of plants!
Very good thinking.. and you might as well wash the car while you're at it. I vote for the Bunny Crossing sign.
We're having rain again in the next few days. I'm feeling Hawaiian except for the soggy grass skirt.
I see bunnies on the way to work nearly every day too. And they are still alive.
Who knew?
I'd put up the sign. Save the bunnies!
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