His May Day tree, which was loaded with blossoms, couldn't take the weight of the heavy wet snow and collapsed, taking out a portion of the fence!

There was no way that all the branches would fit in a pick-up truck, so the Rancher hooked up his stock trailer and used it to haul the branches away.

here we are sweating our arses off in 9-PLUS degree heat....
Poor tree! The fence can be mended, but not the tree.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Yes, you are cold, and we swelter.
I agree, I am sad for the tree.
Well, that's a bummer...must have been a gorgeous tree. What is a May tree, anyway?
Sad about the tree. But yay! for the stock trailer.
Carla - we were sweating just a day or two before the snow! Gotta love Alberta weather.
Mary Anne in Kentucky - we decided to see if the tree would grow from any of the branches and stuck a few in the water-logged ground (fingers crossed)
Messymimi - it was a beautiful tree, and a terrible shame. We are warming up, slowly.
Cheryl - a May tree has blossoms similar to a lilac, but not as big. They bloom in May, and smell very nice. They are also called Bird Cherry trees.... apparently. I am going to put a link in the text of my post (because I can't figure out how to do it here in the comment section and I don't want to be late for work!)
Leah - yes, it is sad for the tree, but I'm sure the Rancher's brother was happy not to have to make 400 trips to the dump to get rid of the tree!
I thought you wrote that you had to go TO the rescue mission at first glance. I'm glad it was the other way around.
You and the Rancher are handy folk to have around. That's really a shame about the tree but I'm glad it made for a sweet-smelling haul.
Just catching up. Can't believe you got all that snow! We had such a beautiful, sunny and warm weekend here in Saint John. But at least the moisture will be good for your garden.
Three and half months ago we had 3 feet of snow on the ground. Today it will be 90F plus a whole lot of humidity. I'm afraid of what the humidex will read (AKA, the "feels like" temperature).
Sad about the sweet-smelling tree (and the fence!) but good for you guys going to the rescue!
Thanks for that link...those are very pretty blossoms!
Thanks, everyone!
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