The Bag Lady is happy to see that the daylight hours are getting noticeably longer now. Can spring be far away?
Well, yes, actually. Spring doesn't arrive in the Bag Lady's neck of the woods until sometime around the end of March.... err.... April.... umm sometimes not until May.
I totally noticed that as well and, even though it doesnt get as bitter cold around here, Im always SO HAPPY for the lighter evenings.
I noticed yesterday, even through the cloud cover, that it got lighter earlier on my way to work. We're having a snow day today, so I get to sit by the fire and wait for spring to show up.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Pretty! I also have noticed the days being longer - yay! Of course the way things are going around here, we will have snow until June. help!
Carla - longer daylight hours make everyone happy, I think!
Mary Anne in Kentucky - I hope you don't have to wait too long!
Missicat - At least all that snow will make great moisture for the gardens and crops....
Ooh...love the sky.
It's so nice the days are a bit longer...
Beautiful sky pic - love those colors!
Gorgeous pic, Cousin.
Longer days are good.
"... sometimes not until May." Whew, that is a long stretch. I'm still in Europe and watching the snow blanket the US Northeast (where I live) I can confidently say: "I'm glad I'm not there.
Yes, there is now still a bit of light left when I get home from picking up Bigger Girl from school.
Let's hope spring doesn't wait that long.
I'm noticing the same thing, Bag Lady! It's almost daylight now when the busses go by! The sunrises are gorgeous!
I have to ask: what time of day was that picture taken?
Our sun rose this morning around 7:10am and will set tonight at 5:41pm (not that we will see it -- we have another storm front moving in).
June at the very latest. Lovely pic, Baggie. :)
Geo - thanks - yes, it is making me happy to see more daylight!
BG - thanks - I love sunrises.... but you probably figured that out already!
dfLeah - good to see you back, cousin! :)
David - I'm really hoping we will have spring long before May, but it wouldn't be unheard of to have snow then. sigh.
Messymimi - I'm with you - hoping for an early spring!
Redbush - the sunrises are wonderful this time of year!
kcinnova - it was taken at 8:32 am last week. (Thursday?) So your daylight hours are a little longer than ours still.
Hilary - exactly! But hopefully sooner! And thanks!
That photo is insanely beautiful!
Thanks, POD!
Looks and sounds like Sweden. June is usually a safe bet.
I'd like to point out I sat for half an hour on the bench on my deck a few days ago, which isn't bad for a Mancunian February.
bookwitch - my ancestors came from Sweden (via Russia, but that's a long story)!! Another place I'd like to visit.
Lovely photo Sis!
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