The Bag Lady has been attempting to take a picture of the birds that visit her feeders and finally managed to get one a) that is reasonably well-focused, and b) in which you can actually SEE the birds. The Bag Lady has numerous pictures where the lighting makes it impossible to see anything other than the shape of said birds. (She also has a few taken mere milliseconds after the birds have flown away.....)
But her persistence has paid off and she finally got a shot of these Evening Grosbeaks and Common Redpolls on her deck under the feeders. (feel free to click on it to enlarge it so you can see them in blurry close-up.)

Pretty, aren't they?
Birds do have this annoying habit of moving JUST as you press the shutter release. Congratulations!
Mary Anne in Kentucky
A most beautiful but elusive creature. Gotta love them.
Thanks, Mary Anne - it's been a bit of a trial.
Hilary - they are such beautiful birds and I do love them, which is why I wanted to share them with everyone! (even if the photo is not all that good - at least you can see the colors a little!)
Don't those birds realize what a blessing it is to be fed by you? You would think they could at least cooperate by holding still for a picture or two. Little ingrates! :)
I'm glad you got this one, anyway.
Messymimi - they are so darned skittish! I think they have it in their little birdbrains that something bad will happen if they stay still too long..... I have no idea where they would get that idea (cough*cats*cough)!!
Lovely. We don't see many evening grosbeaks around here anymore and I miss them. Ditto on the redpolls.
Thanks for the pic.
Awwww, look how pretty!
Where are they?
(just kidding)
Like juncos.
dfLeah - you're welcome!
Aleta - thanks!
POD - the Redpolls are about the same size as Juncos - the Evening Grosbeaks are about the same size as Robins, or maybe a little bigger.
Very pretty! The clearest bird looks really colorful.
After the blizzard last night blew all the bird seed away, my husband went out to refill the feeder.
I stood at the window, camera-ready (on "sport" no less, to take many pictures in a row) and captured only one bird, the kind we fondly call Little Brown Birds. It is a blur flying away.
You'd think the birds would have been flocking SuperDad ala Hitchcock!
We did capture a Cardinal the other day:
Thanks, Sagan!
Kcinnova - you are lucky to have cardinals - they are so pretty! We don't have them here at all.
Something about birds in snow always seems so... hopeful to me. Like they know warmer days are coming:)
Charlotte - I love watching the birds at the feeders - they seem so happy!
I love the serenity in the picture AND the fact that Hilary used the word elusive in her comment :)
you have some erudite readers, BL!
Miz - that's true - I have some real smart readers! (which makes me work harder...!) :)
Such peaceful characters.
And congrats on getting the shot.
Thanks, David! I was pleased that this one turned out to be more than just bird-like shapes!
Very pretty.
Reb - thanks!
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