This is what the Bag Lady has to contend with during her commute to town to work. Well, okay, some days. The ski hill that is situated on the banks of the river between her home and the city has snow-making equipment, and when they make snow, they also make fog. Isn't it pretty?

Of course, it's also a wee bit dangerous, because up ahead in this picture, where the fog really thickens, is a bad curve in the road. That gives the Bag Lady (and everyone else who drives on this highway) something
more to worry about to keep her/them on her/their toes!
She has started a new position at her job. She is
such a freak so detail-oriented that her boss decided she would be better suited to a job where she could sort and organize and spiff things up to her heart's content. She now works a few less hours, but they are all during the day and during the week, so no more evenings or weekends (Yay!) And she gets to do things like organize all the uniform jackets into cupboards and make everything neat and orderly, which satisfies some deep-seated psychological desire to bring order to chaos..... or something. When the Bag Lady organizes and tidies and labels everything, it calms her and helps clear her mind. (The fact that she gets to use a label-maker also makes her happy! Small things.....)
Great fog shot, Cousin. Sounds like deadly spot, though, so please be careful. Dunno 'bout you, but I always tell myself the other driver is an idiot and I have to drive for him/her, too.
Meanwhile, the new position seems quite suited to you.
Thanks, cousin! I try to always drive for everyone else on the road, too!
Yes, drive for everyone else! Lovely photo.
Thanks, sis!
You sound alot like my sister who loves to organize everything. It does make life and work easier when everything is in its place.
That's a beautiful fog picture, but I'm happy to be admiring it from afar!
Your job sounds fun. I bring order to chaos too, but it involves spreadsheets and data queries, which aren't always as satisfying.
Great shot, Lady B, but I'm verrrrry happy I wasn't the one driving through the fog.
Congrats on the new position. I'm kinda like you -- my mantra is "a place for everything and everything in it's place". Borderline obsessive compulsive, I think.
BTW, I love the picture on the card you enclosed with my CartSmart bag. Did you take that photo?
Gail - it gives me a great sense of satisfaction to organize things and put everything in it's place (not that you would know that from looking at my house.... *ahem*)!
BG - spreadsheets and data queries are fun, too, but I really like the hands-on physical stuff, too! :)
Cheryl - ooh, another OCD-er!!!! :)
And I'm trying to remember which card I sent.... sigh. Was it the horse, or the tree? Actually, I took both pictures, so the answer would be yes, I took that picture on the card I sent you! :)
Nice pic...
I love labelmakers too! :-)
It's still very cold here in the D.C. area - you Canadiens can have your weather back anytime you want, okay??? please???
Missicat - umm, are you saying you don't want the gift of winter that we sent? :)
It's darned cold here, too, but supposed to warm up by the weekend. Can't come soon enough for me!
This new job sounds perfect for you, BL. I hope your back gets better soon.
It did warm up to 38F today, but supposed to snow tonight and only reach the 20sF this weekend for a high temp. For us that is cold...*whimper*
Congratulations of the job promotion! Have you ever thought of starting your own organizing business, getting other people's stuff cleared out and organized, and showing them how to set up such systems?
Meanwhile, do be careful driving. I get the feeling that if you aren't facing fog, your area is snowy or icy or slippery this time of year.
Thanks, POD! I hope this job will be perfect for me - so far, so good! :)
Missicat - I hope the forecast is wrong and that it doesn't get that cold for you!
Messymimi - that is something to consider!
And you're right, if it's not foggy, it's snowing, or there is freezing rain.... there's always something! :)
I <3 label makers!
I've got some straightening up to do here... if I can get you an appointment, will you come work at my house?
That section of road would make me think twice about driving it.
TB - I do, too!! :)
Kcinnova - is it warm where you live? :)
There are a couple sections of the highway between here and town that give me pause occasionally!
That sounds like you, Baggie. I'm sure you'll enjoy keeping things orderly. I am so incredibly organized for others.. but for myself.. totally disorganized. So any time you want to drop by and organize for me, I'll be right here. In the mean time, stay safe driving those roads.
Hilary - maybe we could do each other's houses!! :)
Label-maker!!! OMG!!!! I'm glad you got your weekends back!
And please STOP sending all that cold air down this way, thank you very much.
Melissa - I love me a label-maker!! And sorry about the cold air, I think it's actually coming from Russia..... :)
Order out of chaos, yes! And a label-maker, too. That sums up why I went to library school.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Well, guess we now know what to put in your Xmas stocking next year..your very own LABEL MAKER-
abby cuz
Mary Anne - my secret dream job would be a librarian. Really.
(but only if I had a label-maker!)
Cuzzie - ooohhh - I can hardly wait for Christmas now! :)
Im such a drivingNERD!
why do I think the fog would stresssss me out?
It definitely stresses me out, Carla!
Dear Bag Lady,
Please feel free to come visit me. I need someone to bring order to the chaos that is my house.
P.S. I will let you play with my piano while you are here. :)
JavaChick - can I use the label-maker on the piano so I remember the fingering?? :)
Ooh I would love a job like that. I adore organizing things. When my house is all spick and span, it's ridiculous how happy it makes me. It's nice to have everything in order!
Sagan - it IS nice, isn't it? (I vaguely recollect how it feels to have your house tidy.....)
Congrats on the new job responsibilities, which sound perfect for you, and the new hours!
And I sure hope your sciatica is getting at least a bit better.
Thanks, Crabby! The sciatica is not AS painful as it was, but the numbness in my foot is worrisome. Sigh.
Awesome looking photo.
Thanks, David!
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