She picked spinach and peas and beans and more beans and more spinach and more peas, and dealt with all of that. She dehydrated the spinach and blanched and froze the peas, and made mustard pickles with the green and yellow beans. She also finally got around to making her pluot jam. She still has beans that need to be blanched and frozen, so she will do that today.
She will wait a day or two, then pick more peas and beans. The plants are still producing like crazy. She is also going to have to deal with her beets soon, but needs to go to town and get more lids for her canning jars.
The weather remains warm, verging on hot, but is supposed to change this week. A little rain would be welcome. Her tomatoes could use a drink.
Here is a rather strange-looking picture of the mustard beans being processed. The Bag Lady isn't sure why the colour is off a little.... it looks more like a picture of some bizarre soup!

The Bag Lady works much harder than Kcinnova can even dream of working. Come to think of it, it would be more nightmare than dream...
Kcinnova likes a life of leisure. Can we both drink to that? ;)
Happy Monday!
I had a busy weekend as well dealing with garden produce!!
(by garden produce we DO mean whiny child---yes?)
Another reason it is probably good that I have a black thumb -- I'm not sure that I could keep up!
We were so excited to harvest the first couple of handfuls of cherry tomatoes this weekend... that was enough agricultural labor for me! I don't know how you get so much done!
kcinnova - the Bag Lady doesn't work nearly as hard as she should, or used to be able to! But she'll drink to damned near anything! :)
Miz - so it's true about finding the baby under the cabbage? Who knew?
Messymimi- of course you could keep up with me - I don't move very fast! :)
Crabby - I don't get nearly as much done as I used to. Sigh. But I am jealous of your tomatoes. Mine haven't even blossomed yet, so I probably won't have any at all this year!
It all sounds so good, df Bag Lady. And it sounds like way too much work for me. I have a bit to do here now and then, but it surely doesn't compare to you.
I like the look of the mustard beans.
dfLeah - I had a little taste of the beans and I think they are going to be very good.
I have to admit, I did most of that work yesterday, and felt a little like I was in a marathon. :)
Does look like soup! But good soup! It's HOT HOT HOT here...just got back from Chicago where it was HOT HOT HOT too!
Missicat - it rained this morning and cooled off a little. Quite a relief. I think it was a combination of the heat of the day and the heat of the kitchen that tuckered me out yesterday!
Such a productive weekend! It must feel good to put all those goods up for winter.
BG - it does, it does! I'm processing green beans for the freezer now. I wanted to pickle some, but don't have the right size jars. Sigh.
Awesome! I love that picture! And you have me jealous of your growing talent. I only grow weeds.
Looks like a ton of work, you poor thing!
The last time I made freezer jam (which is as far as my preserving talents go) I drafted both kids to help. My son forlornly viewed all the peaches out on the table and mourned, "This looks like a science experiment that just won't stop."
He was 9.
Can I make freezer jam with pluots?
Nice! Your garden must be massive.
I'm tired just reading all that - sheesh!
Lucas - I grow my fair share of weeds, too. Maybe even more than my fair share. It seems like more than my share. Who do I complain to about that, anyway!?
Sparrow - I don't see why pluots wouldn't make wonderful freezer jam! Give it a try and let me know, 'kay?
Sagan - not massive, but it's starting to feel plenty big enough!
Reb - I was tired after doing it, I can guarantee! But it feels good to know we'll have a taste of summer this winter!
Will the pickling never stop? Pickled Christmas trees, perhaps?
I am jealous of your garden, but if I had that much I would not manage to get it frozen, much less canned.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Mary Anne in Kentucky - it has only just begun! Actually, I think there will be less for me to do this year - I didn't plant any cucumbers, so no dill pickles, and my tomatoes aren't doing much of anything, which means I won't have to can them. Good thing I have lots of salsa left from last year's bumper crop!
The heard from a friend that the I subconsciously knew my relationship was ending because I didn't plant a garden this spring. So whatever you do, keep that garden growing. Don't stop planting. Sow some carrots and winter vegetables. I could have at least planted pumpkins. I'd still be in love.
"The heard?"
I meant, I heard.
Sorry..confusing grammar.
POD - as long as the garden grows, so too shall the love?
Alrighty then.
I'll take your advice and keep the garden going. At least until it's under 6 feet of snow - then it's on it's own!
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