Monday, December 8, 2008

Weekend Recap

The Bag Lady had another busy weekend. She had to do quite a lot of work outside in the rain (yes, rain in December....crazy weather!) on Friday. Her cows needed to be fed, and her calves needed feed and bedding. She got quite a little work-out on the business end of a pitchfork because she couldn't get close enough with the loader to shake the bale out into the calf shed!

(The first picture shows where she had to stop with the loader)

She had to put this:

In here:

Using this:

To make it look like this:

And put feed in the feeders so the calves can do this:

Don't they look happy?

She did lots of other stuff too, but if she told you now, she'd have nothing to tell you later!


Reb said...

Hay! That's a lot of feed to be forking around with! When do you start your appointments to learn how to do this without hurting your back more?

Penny said...

That's a better workout than most of us got this weekend! Good work Bag Lady, aw those cows look so cuuuute (and yes, we are having beef for Christmas dinner and I have no shame!)

TA x

Anonymous said...

and are you just sore beyond belief? I think Id be a right angle.

the Bag Lady said...

Hay yourself, Reb!! Wednesday is my first appt.

TA - If I went out and did that every day I'd be in great shape, wouldn't I? :)

Miz - I was surprised I wasn't as stiff and sore as I thought I would be!

Anonymous said...

I think you need an industrial sized salad shooter...

the Bag Lady said...

Marianne - wonder if they sell such a thing? hehehehe

Leah J. Utas said...

Good honest farm work to keep you out of trouble.
Too bad you couldn't get it done with the loader, but you got some good exercise out of the deal. And you made the cows happy. That's got to be satisfying.

the Bag Lady said...

dfLeah - it is satisfying. And I was glad of the exercise....I needed it!

Unknown said...

No, Bay Lady is not a lunatic for knowing the lefse song. It means she's quite cultured :)

Nice job on the hay. I'm glad you found my lefse comment so I could find your blog! I miss my farm days and am pretty sure I'll live vicariously through your blog now.

the Bag Lady said...

Hi Lynn - thanks for stopping by! I love lefse, but don't make it very often anymore.

Hope you do come back for the occasional visit!

Geosomin said...

Wow...rain huh?
I'm dissapointed someone else made forking around jokes before I could...sounds like a busy weekend.
Hope you're not too stiff from all that. I bet the little ones appreciate all the work tho...:)

the Bag Lady said...

Geo - you can never have too many forking around jokes!

You didn't get any rain? It rained Friday, then got colder and snowed yesterday.


Crabby McSlacker said...

I still think you need to market Ranchaerobics DVD's and make a fortune!

Love the pictures, especially the happy calves stuffing their faces!

Tom Rooney said...

I'm sure that that pitchfork is just great for the back. And rain helps it too.

Gena said...

They do look so happy! Hope they're keeping warm!

Anonymous said...

They look happy and adorable. I'd be sore as anything the next day.

the Bag Lady said...

Crabby - the DVD could teach proper pitchfork technique.....:)

Tom - oh, yes. And bouncing around in the loader helps immensely, too! :)

Gena - nice to 'see' you! The calves do seem to be quite happy...and the straw helps keep them warm.

Tricia - with all the working out you do, you could probably fork straw all day long and not notice!

Anonymous said...

I can pitch a that close?

the Bag Lady said...

Marianne - of course you can pitch a fit....:)

Unknown said...

Mmm. That looks warm. I need your kind of workout! :)

And seriously, you got rain?! Weird.

Missicat said...

Wow! I thought my morning on the treadmill was impressive..*hangs head in shame*.
The little guys do look happy! I feel spoiled just having to open a can of kitty food...

the Bag Lady said...

Sagan - yup. Rain. Then it froze. Then it snowed. It's nasty in the yard.

Missicat - I just feed my cats dry food. In a self-feeder. The height of laziness. :)

Missicat said...

Bag Lady - if my kitties had thumbs, I would just leave the cans out for them. Of course if they had thumbs they wouldn't need me any more! *sob*

Meg said...

oh wow! your arms must be amazing! I hope you took the time to reward yourself properly for that! The cows do indeed look very happy.


Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Probably a better workout than my spin session, although I didn't get rained on, at least.

Emily said...

Does it not usually rain in December?

Yay, a full cow is a happy cow : )

Melissa said...

I thought the "business end" of a pitchfork was the pointy part. I hope that's not what you meant.

And yeah, I'm wondering about the soreness too. I scrubbed my shower myself for the first time after hand surgery (two months ago) and thought I was going to die.

the Bag Lady said...

Oh, yes they would, Missicat - you would still have to go buy it for them! :)

Meg - my arms are nowhere in the class of Mizfit's! Too much surrounding tissue....

BG - you probably didn't have to stop and rest near as often as I did! :)

Emily - no, we usually have snow in December - it's rare that it's warm enough to rain. This has been quite a mild winter so far!

Melissa - depends on your *point* of view, I guess!! :)
And it's amazing how quickly we can get out of shape when an injury forces us to take it easy, isn't it?

Hilary said...

Geesh those moo babies keep you busy. Great photo journaling there, Baggie. :)

the Bag Lady said...

Thanks, HIlary! If I could have taken a picture of myself actually would have been rare indeed! :)

Ireallydon'tcarewhatyouthink said...

Holy crap! There is a song about lefse? Please inform as soon as you have it figured out.

God, I love those cows.

the Bag Lady said...

L2bf - I have been trying to remember the words all morning - it's hilarious.... I'll have to dig around and see if I can find it.

HC said...

There's nothing like Farmgirl Fitness... I gotta trademark that sucker before somebody else gets to it!

the Bag Lady said...

Haley - that cracked me up! You better get right on that....

Anonymous said...

Maybe I need to go live on a farm. It sure beats the non-workout I got today!