Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tissue of Truths

The Bag Lady saw her physiotherapist for an assessment yesterday and is confident that this woman will help her. She did a very thorough assessment on the Bag Lady and determined from her examination exactly where the problem lies. This in it's turn, made the Bag Lady say "way cool!"

The therapist told her that it was nerve damage in the L4 region of her back, which is exactly where the Xrays showed the damage to be. There was nothing written on the paper the Bag Lady brought from her doctor as to where exactly the problem was! How smart is the therapist to be able to figure that out by rubbing a couple of tissues up and down the Bag Ladys' legs!!? It was like visiting a fortune-teller! (It also surprised the Bag Lady immensely, because until that examination, she had no idea that parts of her legs were numb!)

The Bag Lady is going to have to relearn a whole lot of things, and this wonderful therapist is going to teach her! Therapy-woman seems to have great understanding of how ranchers deal with things, which gives the Bag Lady the impression that perhaps she is NOT as unique as she thought she was......

The Bag Lady did not get any Christmas shopping done, much to her chagrin. But hey, it's early yet.....right?


JavaChick said...

That sounds promising Bag Lady! Hopefully you'll be all fixed up in no time! :)

Leah J. Utas said...

Okay, phsyio seems to know what she's doing. That's great. I'm glad you're getting things sorted out.
Of course you're unique, it's just in different ways.

Missicat said...

Sounds great - you will be back dancing on bars again soon, right? :-)
Yes, we still have *checks calendar* three whole weeks until Christmas!! EEEK!

Penny said...

Hurray Bag Lady and Bag Lady's back!!! So what happens now, do you get exercises and stuff to do? I went to see the doctor today and he's referring me extra-quick (he looks at me weird though, I don't like it!!)

TA x

the Bag Lady said...

Javachick - thanks, I hope so, too!

dfLeah - she really does seem to know her stuff! And was pretty no-nonsense. I liked her.

Missicat - I fear my bar-dancing days are over....but you never know! :)
Three weeks?!!!!!!!!

the Bag Lady said...

TA - she wants to see me twice a week, and I'm sure she will start giving me exercises to do at home, etc. She's already told me to stop sleeping on my stomach!! Dammit.

Christine said...

whoa, that is cool. sure there's no way she got a hold of your medical records since February?

Hilary said...

That's great news, Baggie. I hope her cure is nearly as swift as her diagnosis. :)

Geosomin said...

It sounds like you have someone who knows her stuff - that is fantastic.
And yeah...still3 weeks til Christmas...don't worry.

the Bag Lady said...

Christine - I'm pretty sure! It was almost magical.... must be all those letters behind her name! :)

Hilary - from your lips (well, type-written words) to God's ear!

Geo - worried? I'm not worried...AAACK!!

Unknown said...

That's great! Physio is super cool, isn't it? It's amazing because when people bring dogs to my mum, the regular vets won't know what the real problem is and she's got it figured out in 2 seconds with the physio education. Must be some kind of magic or witchcraft- no way that's real science:P

the Bag Lady said...

Sagan - exactly! I swear it's witchcraft!! With Kleenex. :)

Anonymous said...

Glad the physio seems good.

And I haven't done any Christmas shopping either, so don't worry.

Lucas said...

Hooray for tissue toting therapy women! Hope you are on the mend soon BL!

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

That's great news! I hope she gets you back on track quickly.

And really, Christmas shopping? I still say order online and let some hottie bring it to you.

Anonymous said...

Dancing on bars? MUST renew passport. Sleeping on stomach? Cannot do. Head would never touch pillow. Hot UPS guy? Sadly ours is a troll. I would like to go to this woman to find out what is wrong with me, too. Everyone buy stock in Kleenex!!!

the Bag Lady said...

Tricia - perhaps we need to declare this a gift-free zone!

Lucas - thanks! I'm quite hopeful this will help.

BG - unfortunately, no-one will deliver out here in the country. No UPS hottie for me. ~~sigh~~

Marianne - I'm starting to think maybe that's why she has a year-long waiting list! Everyone wants to go to her!

Emily said...

Oh wow, that's scary to find out your legs are partially numb. I'm glad you sought help before it got noticeable (that would have been really scary.) I hope the recovery goes well. Back injuries from intense labor can really mess ya up (the hubby still hurts from herniating a disk in his back over 2 years ago.)

Oh yeah, and you are still 100% unique! There's only 1 Bag Lady : )

Tom Rooney said...

Great news Bag Lady. Amazing what a therapist can do with a tissue beyond blowing one's nose. Can you imagine what she might find if she used a handkerchief?

the Bag Lady said...

Emily - thanks, that's sweet of you to say!

Tom - that totally cracked me up! Imagine what she could do with one of those man-sized bandanna-things that old farmers use for everything from blowing their noses to wiping their brows to cleaning oil off their hands.....:)

Tom Rooney said...

I think once you get to a bandana you are a full fledged gypsy.

Anonymous said...

Hooray! I hope the therapist lives up to her seeming potential!

Seriously, I ruptured my L3 in college, so I know exactly what you're going through: the leg numbness is super-weird, isn't it? Yeesh.

Melissa said...

Physical therapy rocks!! Now you've reminded me I should get back into my shoulder bursitis exercises....It hurts.

Reb said...

Well good, I am glad you think she will be able to help. I told you years ago to stop sleeping on your tummy!

the Bag Lady said...

Tom - you're probably right!

Marste - I wasn't even aware of it until she did her exam! Weirded me right out!

Melissa - ah, the dreaded bursitis shoulder. Do your exercises - otherwise, it'll just get worse!

the Bag Lady said...

Reb - I know, I know.....I'm working on it!

Anonymous said...

A quick diagnosis hopefully means a quick and easy recovery.... right?

I know I have numb places on my belly, but that would be weird to have numb legs and not know it. Will you be getting the feeling back in them?

Christmas? Shopping? What??
Denial is a powerful force.

the Bag Lady said...

kcinnova - I'm hoping the treatments will help restore the feeling in my legs.
Shopping.....meh. There's always next week....

Anonymous said...

*go baglady go baglady GO!*
*go baglady go baglady GO!*
*go baglady go baglady GO!*
*go baglady go baglady GO!*
*go baglady go baglady GO!*

Im in to help you get ready to dance on tables wearin nothing but a lampshade!

the Bag Lady said...

Miz! I'm shocked! If you think I'd dance on tables wearing nothing but a lampshade,you're crazy! What about the red hooker shoes?!



solarity said...

Wishing you a much improved back for a Christmas present. What could be better, even if it won't fit under a tree?

Mary Anne in Kentucky

the Bag Lady said...

Thanks, Mary Anne! The presents that don't fit under the tree are usually the best, anyway, aren't they? :)

Crabby McSlacker said...

Hooray, a diagnosis and stuff you can do to make things better--so often medical appointments just end in pills!

Good luck with your therapy!

the Bag Lady said...

Thanks, Crabby - I'm really hoping this will help! Even if I can get out of bed in the morning feeling more like my old (younger!) self, it will be an improvement!