Email me at the address in my sidebar to discuss your prize!
Here is a different angle on yesterday's mystery picture. This is the Bag Lady's rain-collection system (actually an unused watering trough for animals). She took a close-up picture of the frozen surface early in the morning, and there was a slight reflection from the bush growing beside it. (Yes, that is a little frog sitting on the edge - when he's in the mood, he spits a stream of water into the trough!)
The Bag Lady had to do a little fencing yesterday, and while she was out and about, took a few pictures to share with you.
Here are a couple of different angles of the same dug-out:
The dug-out pics are quite peaceful and, well, reflective.
Every time I see pictures on your blog, I think that I'd want to live near there. Then I think about the amount of work that you do, and all of a sudden Philadelphia doesn't look that bad. (Plus, BK needs to be here for his job, and while I know I'm really young and all, he's the love of my life)
D'oh! A deer. A female deer?
I had a bit of bambi for lunch on Tuesday. Venison is so GOOD for you.
I second Tricia - it looks idyllic but I could NOT put in your hours. Well, maybe I could make the salsa if you fixed the porch steps? As long as we get to sing :0)
TA x
Doing a little "fencing"? En guard! hehe
Definitely nice, peaceful pics - but I know lots of hard work goes into all of that!
dfLeah - hehehehe - thanks!
Tricia - aw, thanks. It's really pretty here, and you become accustomed to the work. At least, that's what I keep telling myself.
TA - Yup, a female deer. :) To be totally honest, I cannot recall ever eating venison. (may have when I was very young). Moose - yes. Buffalo - yes. Wild meat is very good for you.
Ah, yes, we could sing all day, workin' away....
Missicat - sorry, we were posting simultaneously.
That cracked me up! Wish I had had all of you along with me on the fence line - it was really boring by myself!
ahhh...the mystery is solved!
new*me - well, that's ONE mystery solved. We still don't know how they get the caramel in the Caramilk bar...... :)
Ooh that's cool!
I really like that last picture.
Thanks, Sagan! For some reason, that dug-out always seems very photogenic to me.
oh boy oh boy oh boyoh boy oh boy!
Next time I'm home I will email away :)
It really is beautiful there. I could do with a bit of looking at nature while sipping a cup of tea (beer?) right now. I've taken to walking to work just so I don't miss out on the leaves turning by the river. I could come sing *while* you built a fence...don't know if it would help, but I'd feel better. :)
Geo - singing would help, but don't think you could get away without helping actually fix fence!! A skill no well-rounded person should be without!
I'll await your email!
wow! It sure is beautiful up there : )
Damn, I didn't even think about the trough and I was just there! Lovely photos of the dugout Sis.
Congrats Geosomin.
Thanks, Emily. It's not so beautiful today - rainy and cold.
Reb - I was a little surprised you didn't get it....but I know you're not a fan of salsa anyway.... :)
Beautiful pics, and congrats to Geosomin!
Thanks, Crabby!
Ahh cool beans! Congrats, Geo. :)
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