The Bag Lady is having a bad computer day, so instead of a real post, she thought she would share with you her work-space! This is the desk she built herself to replace the mishmash of computer desk, rolling microwave oven cart, filing cabinet and various bookshelves she used to have. She thought it would help keep her more organized.

Of course, she was wrong - it no longer looks this neat and tidy, because the Bag Lady is pathologically messy. (and yes, she did build it all by herself.)
Good for you.. I'm impressed. I hate to think of how any of my attempts to build something would turn out... (shudder).
My workspace is very neat.. for about 5 minutes out of the year.. ish.
Well, Hil, the Bag Lady built this in September of 2006, and it has never looked like the photos since! A few things have changed (new monitor, only one printer, new fax machine taking up even more space...) and every spare inch is covered with papers. Sigh.
Very nice--looks pretty darn neat to me!
It seems like lots of computer problems for everyone recently--wonder what's up? Blogger's been funny, I keep losing my connection, the Lobster's laptop keeps crashing, and all over the blogosphere people seem to be having little issues. A conspiracy? Hmm...
You could be right, Crabby! Perhaps someone is trying to tell us something...
Like: get a life? Yikes, maybe I should!
Wow, looks good sis, I guess I haven't been there since you built it.
Thanks, Reb...no, you haven't been here for quite awhile. Perhaps one of these days...
df Bag lady,
Your talent knows no bounds.
Or my bounds know no talents...
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