Twice in one day!! This is a "Twinsie" post, just for Crabby (refer to today's earlier post for links to Crabby's blog, Cranky Fitness, and to Reb's blog, Sibu Pegasus Power - which will explain what is going on here...)

Can you tell who is older from either of these photos? In the first photo, the Bag Lady is on the right and Reb is on the left, in the second photo, the order is reversed.
Baglady - you're a twin!! So am I! I have a (fraternal) twin sis - we look nothing alike, so I cannot post "which one is which" pics. She's the tall green eyed blonde and I am the short brown eyed brunette...go figure....
Oh, sis, you should have posted that 80's photo too!
Sorry Missicat, we aren't real twins, we are 21 months apart. I was just tall for my age.
Missicat - we might as well have been twins - our mom dressed us alike quite often, and we were close to the same size, until my 'baby' sister grew taller than me!!
I have to run out to a funeral right away here, but when I get back, I might just post a slightly more current photo to show what we ended up looking like. Maybe. BIG maybe...
Bag Lady, those are great, thank you so much! You both are so cute.
And I would definitely love to see the current photo (and the 80's one too).
Some day, perhaps, I too will have to brave a photo for the blog.
(And sorry to hear you're going to a funeral.)
Crabby - I'll show you mine if you show us yours!!
The funeral was for one of the long-time residents of the community where I live. He was a nice old fellow, and one of the ever-diminishing group of seniors around here. Sad to see the older generation going, and taking with them so much knowledge and tradition.
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