Okay, most of you have by now figured out that the Bag Lady has a couple of relatives who are also blogging - her cousin, Leah, has a blog named The Goat's Lunch Pail, and her sister, Reb, has a blog called SibuPegasusPower. (Unfortunately, the Bag Lady still can't figure out how to link to those blogs...one day, perhaps.)
So here's a little game for you.
Can you figure out from this picture who is who?

Sorry it isn't the best photo of the girl on the back of the pony...
Post your guesses in the comment section.
I have no recollection of this event or photo. I'll guess I'm on the pony and Reb is standing beside us.
Where was this? Uncle Oscar's?
Good guess, Leah. I mean, of course, about it being at Uncle Oscar's. I'm not telling who is who, yet...
Waiting for more guesses.
I'm thinking that's Reb standing by, and I figure that Leah would know her own self so she's in front and the elusive Bag Lady (I want to see a current pic!) is sitting on the horse's patootie.
Actually, Hilary, my guess really is a guess.
I can't tell who's behind who I take to be me. It would help if I remembered this happening. Sigh.
Leah, perhaps it's not your family at all. She was on drugs yesterday, you know...
By the way Bag Lady.. great idea for a post.
Good point, Hilary. Maybe I should ask for proof.
Well now. The Bag Lady could post the entire photo as proof that it is actually our family ('cause Leah would recognize the rest of the people), but she's not sure that would twig Leah's memory. Probably not. It's little wonder Leah doesn't have any recollection of this event - she would only have been roughly 3 yrs old! The Bag Lady barely remembers it (and she's a whole year older than Leah!) Reb probably doesn't remember the actual event, either (being a year younger than Leah), but she has seen the photo before.
I am on the ground, you are on the front of the horse with Leah behind you.
Leah, remember Sis & I have curly hair (or mom took the time to curl it in my case). Whoever is on the back has straighter hair.
I can barely even recognize people I know well in pictures, so I won't venture a guess--but cute picture!
And Bag Lady, there's a handy link button in the box you use to compose your blog post. Here's one way to link to another blog while writing a post:
Open up another window to the site you want to link to and copy (control C) the URL from the browser: say, just for example... hmm...
Now it's in your clipboard. Then in your post, type the name of the site you want to appear. Gosh, okay, how about: Cranky Fitness.
Then highlight that name (Cranky Fitness) with your cursor.
Now you have to move the cursor to the little link icon at the top of the post window. It's the roundish green thing. Click on that and it should open up a place to type the url.
Now paste (control v) the url you copied into that box. (I can't remember if there's an okay button or not to confirm.
Depending on what mode your using to compose you'll hopefully see either a link there or the html coding for the link, with that href stuff. And when you publish, the link should magically appear.
It's actually easier than I made it sound!
Okay, Reb, you are right. Reb is on the ground, the Bag Lady is in front and Leah is peeking over her shoulder. This was taken at a family reunion in 1961. Reb was tall for her age, by the way. She and the Bag Lady (2 years older) were taken for twins for many years.
Hilary: the Bag Lady stopped being cute, by the way, in about 1962, and hates having her picture taken. She may someday get brave enough (or drunk enough) to post a more recent photo (she vaguely remembers one taken about 14 years ago that wasn't totally hideous...), but really, really can't believe she looks the way the camera portrays her most of the time!
Crabby: Thanks for the hints - printed your comment to follow it step-by-step. With any luck, you may see linking happening here someday!
So much for me knowing my place. Until I saw the big picture I thought it was me up front.
I beg to differ Bag Lady. I say we all stayed cute. And it's a darn good thing, too.
Well, Leah, you and Reb are still cute...the Bag Lady pretty much looks just like that - a bag lady (especially in the morning before her coffee!) But thanks, anyway!
This was fun - we'll have to do it again. The Bag Lady has loads of old photos (and yes, girls, that IS a threat!)
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