Thursday, December 6, 2012

Oh, the Weather!

The Bag Lady is feeling a little whine coming on, which she is trying mightily to suppress. It has snowed almost continuously in her area for over a month. The snow arrived early which, in itself is not unusual, but that is usually just a reminder, and it warms up and the snow goes away... but this year it has not really warmed up and it continues to snow.
This was taken October 24th.....

12 1/2 inches in this photo....

 The deer visited the Bag Lady's flowerbed one day, looking for an easy meal....

 The snow piled up more....

 And more (the Bag Lady stopped measuring - she usually takes these pictures by dashing outside in her slippers, and didn't want to wade through all that snow) This was yesterday....

 And it continues to fall....

The Bag Lady goes out every day and sweeps roughly 3 inches out of the troughs in order to give her calves grain.

She has lived in this area most of her life and understands that it snows in winter, but this stretch has seemed long and cold, and she is hoping for a Chinook to blow through one of these days to give her a break. Actually, it doesn't even have to Chinook..... just a couple of days in a row without clouds dumping snow, and perhaps a peek at the sun, would make her happy!

Has winter arrived in your area yet?


Leah J. Utas said...

It is frightful!
Send it here. We've hardly had any.

messymimi said...

Oh, i hope you get the break you want!

We've had our usual. A bit of cold, followed by a warm up. The real cold doesn't settle in here, usually, until January.

the Bag Lady said...

Leah - I would gladly share!

Messymimi - I might be forced to come and visit you! :)

Hilary said...

Oh poor Baggie. I haven't seen more than a dusting yet. We've hit below freezing temps but then it rises nicely again. The day before yesterday was 16C. We're back to just above freezing today. I don't suppose that helps you much..

Reb said...

I am sorry you are getting so much snow and I can sympathize with you. Although we don't have that much we have had more than normal and I am tired of it already too. Here's hoping you get a decent break soon.

the Bag Lady said...

Hilary - no, that doesn't help me much, but I'm glad you're having nice weather! :)

Reb - I saw that on the news - hopefully, our weather (and yours) will smarten up soon!

Joanna Jenkins said...

That is waaaay too much snow! Yikes.
Sending warm vibes your way and hoping for some sunshine too.
Stay warm, xo jj

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

I keep hoping for snow. We might get a measly inch tonight...
We did have 2 inches very wet inches of snow a few weeks ago but it didn't last long.

During big snowfalls, we use a plastic ruler and keep it out there on the back deck/patio table so we can read it from inside the house. :)

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

No break since October 24th? That's a long time for such early arrival!

solarity said...

Here, it's rain. We're setting in for more than a week of constant rain. It's been warm for December. Each individual day is not unlikely (even the high of 73F didn't break any records) but the string of them is.
I'm quite happy, mind you, to wait until January to find out what heating this 1938 house will really cost. I don't think it has much insulation.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Gena said...

If by winter you mean that there are no leaves on the trees, I need to wear socks to keep my feet warm, and I can't go outside in a tank top every single day, then yes. Winter has arrived.

Hoped you see a bit more sunlight in the coming days!

the Bag Lady said...

Thanks, Joanna! Apparently, it is supposed to be warmer today... but with more snow.

Karen - I would gladly share with you... it would be selfish to keep it all for myself!

Gena - There are still leaves on some of our trees! The cold and snow arrived so early and unexpectedly that the trees weren't finished shedding!

the Bag Lady said...

Mary Anne - not sure how I missed your comment.... I hope you find that your house is well-enough insulated for cold weather!

Geosomin said...

We've got the same thing going on out where we are. I don't recall shovelling this much snow so early on in the winter before. I'm certainly getting my exercise in :)

the Bag Lady said...

Geo - I wished for a Chinook and it blew in last night!! Yahoo!! Went from -30C yesterday morning to -3C this morning, and is now +5C on my deck.
The wind has made a few drifts, but I can live with that!
Hope it quits snowing for awhile for you - I'm sure you'll find other ways to get your exercise! :)