Friday, September 7, 2012


Yes, the Bag Lady has been absent from blogging for a very long time, but she has an excuse. Several excuses. Pick one.

She has been busy with her garden, and canning the produce from said garden, and with the ranch, building fences and helping with the harvesting. A friend brought her a huge box of apples, so she's made pies and jelly.... on top of all that, she recently started a new job.

 Harvesting the oat crop...
 Close-up of the grain coming out of the auger...

The Bag Lady misses her blogging friends, and hopes they understand that, contrary to popular belief, she is not superwoman and with how busy this time of year has been, something had to give, and it happened to be blogging! She'll be back when she can, really.


Leah J. Utas said...

You're excused.
Those pies look heavenly, and I am always glad to see photos of the harvest. It's always been my favourite time of year.

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

What do you mean you're not Superwoman?!?

As behind as I've been, I'm kind of grateful that at least some of my friends have been easing back on the blogging during this busy season.
Pies don't make it to the freezer at my house, and I love harvest pictures!
New Job? Do tell...

solarity said...

Gardening, preserving, harvesting: all these are iron-clad excuses for anything you can name. Possibly even for political corruption. (Of which I am not accusing you, just to be clear!)

Mary Anne in Kentucky

messymimi said...

Well, i do understand, and hope you will throw us a bone, in the form of a picture and a line that says, "I'm still alive", once in a while, until the rush is over.

Crabby McSlacker said...

Well, I'm not one to talk about blog bailing myself!

Just marveling at how well-rounded you are... oat harvesting and apple pie baking, all in a day's work? Love the pics. Miss your posts but don't stress, we'll all still be here whenever you get the chance to pop in.

the Bag Lady said...

Thanks, cousin! I hope the pies will be good.... pastry made with home-rendered lard almost always is!

Karen - the new job? Book-keeping for a small business. I can do it from home, which has me over-the-moon with excitement. (Making money in my bathrobe... oh, wait, that didn't come out right!)

Mary Anne in Kentucky - whew! Thank heavens - don't think I could fit politics into my schedule!

messymimi - thanks! I think my excuse is fairly lame when I realize how busy other bloggers (like you) are!

Crabby - well-rounded definitely describes me! (especially around the middle) At least you had the excuse of world-travel (but I'm glad you're back, and that you had such a good time!)

Reb said...

Pies look good sis. I like the harvest photos too. And congrats on the job.

the Bag Lady said...

Thanks, sis!