Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Random Chicago

Here are more pictures from the Bag Lady's trip. The Marilyn Monroe statue in Chicago.....

She found this store front fascinating - it is completely full of antique sewing machines! The Bag Lady didn't go inside, but she thinks it was a clothing store. (you may have to click on the photos to enlarge)...

There were thunderstorms a couple of nights during the Bag Lady's stay. One of the storms lasted well over two hours! She tried to take a picture of the storm, but it's blurry and doesn't really show the water cascading in sheets from the sky.

The day after the storm, the skies were clear and beautiful, and the Bag Lady took some pictures of the charming little lake at the resort where her conference was held.

There was a fountain....

And a family of ducks.

And the Bag Lady was surprised to see that the resort maintained a "kitchen garden", with onions and strawberries, etc, as well as this one....

The Bag Lady then traveled on to Ottawa to visit her brother. She will share some pictures of that part of her trip in another post.


Leah J. Utas said...

Hmm, all those people looking up her skirts...
Great pics, Cousin. I especially liked the old sewing machines.

messymimi said...

Trust me, i can imagine how the rain was coming down. It's a fascinating sight sometimes.

A lovely place for a conference, i'm glad you got to go.

solarity said...

For rain, I think you need a movie camera.
That garden is lovely, and so nice of them to grow their own food.
I would have had to go inside and ask about the sewing machines. (Unless I was running really really late.)

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Reb said...

Love the sewing machines in the windows. That is quite the statue of MM too.

Crabby McSlacker said...

Wonderful pictures! That lake looks so peaceful, and I love the sewing machines. Looking forward to the next installment!

Hilary said...

It's always fun to see vacation pics.. it's the next best thing to being there. Looking forward to seeing our nation's capitol. You should have made a stop in Mississauga along the way.

the Bag Lady said...

Leah - I managed to avoid the temptation of looking up her skirts. Sometimes it's better not to know.

messymimi - it was a fabulous storm. Constant thunder and lightning, and the rain pounded down.

Mary Anne in Kentucky - I didn't even think to set the camera on the video function! And I would have gone in to ask about the sewing machines except we were on a tight schedule.

Reb - I was fascinated by the sewing machines, as you can imagine.

Crabby - the lake was gorgeous, and I didn't even know it was there until the last day of the conference! Glad I saw it, though.

Hilary - I wish I had been able to visit Mississauga - next time! :)

Miz said...

loved the windy city pictures (I neeed to get there as I have family. clamoring for a visit. wait. I shall just send them the link to your blog. can that count? PLEASE PLEASE??)

the Bag Lady said...

Sure, Carla! (they might worry about you, calling yourself the Bag Lady, though.)