Friday, April 22, 2011

Photo-Finish Friday - Another Girl!

The Bag Lady is pleased to say there is another girl in the crowd. She was born late yesterday, and is very inquisitive. When the Bag Lady went down to the pasture to have a look, the hour-old calf came right up to her and checked her out. This is quite unusual. (And yes, that is a big pile of snow still hanging around. sigh)

Here is what she looked like up close and personal...

The Bag Lady is considering changing her blog. It is really annoying her that she has to switch back and forth between her two personalities accounts when she wants to make comments on blogs. She knows there has to be a way to remedy the situation and streamline the process, but she hasn't had time to figure out exactly how. Any suggestions?


Leah J. Utas said...

Congratulations on the new girl baby cow.

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

She is a beautiful butterscotch color.

Reb said...

What a cure little girl. So brave too!

I'll get back to you on the streamlining.

messymimi said...

Beautiful and bold -- two great qualities for her to have. Congratulations.

solarity said...

Just be sure she doesn't put that curiosity to work on things like How to Open Gates 101.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

JavaChick said...

Aw, congrats on the newest baby.

I've been really irritated with google wanting to combine all my accounts in one as well. It won't let me pick the account that I want to use and I don't want to create another one. Stupid google.