The Bag Lady finally remembered to take her camera along when she went out to do the chores! The calves that were born this summer are in the corral, along with some yearling steers, and the Bag Lady gives them oats every day. When the calves were first weaned, they were quite leery of humans, but oats are like crack for cattle, and the calves now look forward to their daily "fix"!

They are still a little wary of humans, but are also very curious, so when the Bag Lady went to check on the barn, they followed her and peeked around the corner to see what she was doing.

This guy figured that if he looked cute enough, he might get some extra rations. Alas, the Bag Lady had no more to give him.

These calves look like they were all lined up for inspection. In truth, they were inspecting the Bag Lady!

Have a great weekend!
oats are like crack for the MizFit too.
who knew Im so cattlelike?
What a handsome bunch! I must someday somehow find room in my skimpy bits of (unfenced at present) pasture for a steer calf or two.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Cute pictures Bag Lady, especially the last two. The do look curious!
Carla - do you have that same tendency to try to run people down and stick your head in the bucket for that first taste of those lovely oats? Is there a 12-step program for that?
Mary Anne in Kentucky - next year! There's always next year.
JavaChick - they are still a little timid - if they sniff at you and accidentally come in actual contact, they jump and run!
I'd be awfully wary of crackhead cows trying to look innocent.
It's good to see those pics, Cousin. I miss the farm. I can step right into your photos and get my own fix that way.
dfLeah - yes, one always has to be alert when there are addicted cattle in the vicinity!
Glad you enjoy the pictures!
In that last photo they look as if they're about to break out into dance.. A Moorus Line
Hilary - LOL! I thought they looked like a police line-up, myself....
They're pretty cute! My grandpa's sheep were like that, always wondering what the silly biped was up to.
More great shots! It must not have been too cold that day because I don't see any steam coming from their nostrils. Or does that only happen to humans???
Lovely photos, love the moorus line (Hilary beat me too it and did a much funnier job than I would have).
Awwww. How can you not carry extra treats for those sweet faces?
Cute *furry* kinda animals. Must have to have fur to keep warm.
Aw! Your calves are adorable! And the animals aren't half bad either. (See! I'm punny!) Ok, that would have been funnier if your legs had been in one of the pics. I'm tired.
BG - these calves are still pretty skittish, but can't seem to help themselves - have to see what's going on! :)
Cheryl - it was actually quite a warm day, so there wasn't a lot of nostril exhaust! :)
Reb - Hilary always manages to think up something hilarious!
Marianne - it's all I can do to keep from getting trampled by those little cuties when they see the oat pail!
POD - they are REALLY furry - must be a response to the cold snap we just suffered through!
Charlotte - that was funny! Really it was! :)
Wow they are so cute! Thanks for sharing their pictures. The last one in particular with them all lined up was adorable.
Thanks, Crabby - I think they are pretty cute, too!
I love the one of them looking around the corner at you. They must be glad the cold has eased up a bit!
Geo - that one is cute, isn't it? And I'm sure they ARE happy it's warmer! I know I am!
Very cute bunch ya got there! I can't even line up two cats for photos...
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