The Bag Lady decided to share a picture with you today. She went to the third folder in her photo file, and chose the third picture (because today is 03/03/09... original, isn't she?) for today's post.
Coincidentally, this picture was taken last March. These were the flowers she purchased to decorate for Easter last year.

As an added bonus, here is another picture from that file - it is the bunny cake that she made for Easter last year.

This year's Easter celebration isn't until April - hopefully, the weather will have warmed up by then and it will feel more like spring!
How cute is that bunny cake! Cake is my favorite thing in the world...mmmm...cake....preferably with ice cream....
Love the pics!
I cant believe how FAST easter and passpover are coming up!!
Ah, I want a bunny cake! It's so cute!
Heee! Bunnycake :)
That cake is awesome.
Great bunny cake! How about a kitty cake?
I remember that bunny! Looking at the spring-y pictures defintely has a cheering effect. Thanks for posting them.
Rupal - thanks! My dessert of choice is pastry. But cake is a close second.
Miz - it's a bit of a paradox - the winter seems to be dragging on forever, but the time is going by really quickly. Does that make any sense?
Gena - thanks! And easy to make!
Geo - thanks - I love doing theme cakes.
Missicat - a kitty cake would be cute, too!
JavaChick - You're welcome! I needed something to cheer me up, too. Must look for some flowers when I'm in town today.....
Happy flowers and a bunny cake. Perked me right up.
I'm glad, cousin! It is very grey and dismal here today, so I needed something cheerful!
Bunny cake! I have a terrible terrible mind: I'm now mentally designing a cow cake, complete with cow pies....
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Mary Anne in Kentucky - OMG! Thanks for the idea!!! You could use those little chocolate macaroon candies for the cow pies (do you have those in the States?) Hahahahahaha!
That was the Tidbit cake! If you make it again this year, you'll have to add spots for Cadbury.
BG - yes, it was! And if I make it again, I will add spots in honour of Cadbury (and I would use Cadbury's chocolate, too!)
Aw I love that cake! It must have been tricky to make. Pretty flowers too. Easter is such fun :)
I love the colour on those tulips and that cake looks really good! We have the grey and dismal here too.
Today is square root day. :)
Gorgeous flowers, Bag Lady! The cake is so cute! I love his eyes, ears, and nose! I'm sure Easter will be here sooner than we realize. In the meantime, I have sooooo much to do before then! I'm MS Procrastination!
I'm totally stealing your Bunny Cake idea!! My kids would go nuts over that! It's super cute:) Love the tulips too. Needed a bit of spring cheer here in the winter wasteland!
Now, if that bunny cake isn't the cutest thing ~ I don't know what is. Precious!
Tip-toe through the tulips!! ;)
I make that very same bunny cake!! My mother-in-law always made one, so now it is my turn. But I make my husband create the ears each year.
Ha! Third folder, third picture.....wonder what that would be.
I do know that my March pictures from last year would be full of stuff like a bloody bruised hand etc. etc. Not a fun year, 2008. And Happy Lent to you too...
Oh sure tease us with spring images while we're in a deep freeze. Wait, did you say "chocolate?" ;)
little chocolate macaroon candies? I don't like macaroons so the fact that I've never noticed any doesn't mean we don't have them. What I was thinking was those chocolate fudge cookies that you roll in powdered sugar. If you take them out of the oven a bit too soon they collapse almost flat and the surface cracks--very realistic. I think the cow would have to be a Jersey so I could have milk chocolate icing.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Sagan - thanks! Actually, it is quite simple to make, and lots of fun!
Reb - I love the colour of those tulips. Our ice fog finally lifted and the sun peeked out for a little while.
Tom - it IS, isn't it? I hadn't even thought of that (math is definitely not my forte!)
Redbush - thanks! I need to come up with a different cake this year.....
Charlotte - if you need directions, let me know - I'll be happy to share.
Aleta - thanks - I thought it was really cute, too.
kcinnova - yours probably looks better than mine did! But it is fun to create. I love making theme cakes.
Melissa - oh, yes, I hope this March is better for you!
Hilary - I was hoping to cheer you up! Chocolate would help, wouldn't it?
Mary Anne in Kentucky - I don't like macaroon cookies, but the candies are a different kind of macaroon. They are quite tasty. Even if they look like cow pies!
I've had cookies do what you've described, and they would be quite realistic...
I love the tulips.
And felt a bit worried, as I'd just been thinking how well I was handling the cravings for sweets. Now I realize I've got till April. *sigh*
Tricia - yup, a month before Easter. In fact, Easter Sunday is a month from today (the 17th) - loads of time!
03/03/09 is called a square root day. The next square root day won't be until 04/04/16.
I have a bagless beast also and have the same issues with cleaning after the cleaning. Oh, the loose dust that is inside the bagless beast is awful.
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