The Bag Lady has a physio appointment in town today. Hopefully, her truck will start after it's been plugged in for awhile. If not, she will have to borrow the Rancher's truck. The Rancher's truck is much bigger than the Bag Lady's truck, and has a manual transmission. It's easy enough to drive, but harder to park because it takes up more room. In a perfect world, the Rancher would chauffeur the Bag Lady around town, but the chances of that happening are slim to none. The Rancher has better things to do than take the Bag Lady all over town so she can run her errands! Actually, in a perfect world, it wouldn't be this freakin' cold, either!
In case you don't pay attention to these sorts of things, the moon was full last night. The Bag Lady can still see the moon this morning, lighting up the countryside. Perhaps now the weather will change. The Bag Lady isn't sure there really is a correlation, but it seems to always be coldest in the winter when the moon is full. Has anyone else noticed this?
**Edited to add - this is what a really cold morning looks like around here:

And this is what it looks like a few seconds later, when the camera lens frosts up!

I hadn't noticed that, but it's possible about the moon making things colder.
I hope everything goes okay with your physio appointment.
Yes, it's colder when there's a full moon. And when there's no moon. And when there's half a moon. And...
I don't really want to leave my house today. Brr.
The weather tends to change around the full moon. That's what I'm hanging on to.
ooooh the full moon? SPLAINS A LOT UP IN HERRE.
Tricia - I'm not sure if the moon really does have an effect on the weather, but sometimes it seems to!
Sagan - *snort* - yeah, you're right - it's winter in Canada - it's cold.
dfLeah - I'll hang onto that, too. And hope the forecasters are right.
Warmer tomorrow!
Miz - are there wolves howling around your place or something? The full moon can be blamed for lots of things!
I saw the full moon last night through the enormous windows in the living room. I was too lazy to get up and find the camera, but it was perfectly framed.
My father's family has always said that the weather changes with each phase of the moon, which is hard to disprove, since weather is always changing.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Mary Ann in Kentucky - that is true, of course - the weather is always changing!
Full moon...yest that does explain a lot around here as well :)
Hope your physio goes well...try not to freeze solid today :)
I don't know about the moon and temperatures (except that if you can see the moon, the sky is clear and therefore it will be colder at night) -- but I do know that is a GORGEOUS morning you had today!
Ah lovely shots, Baggie. I like the way the frosty lens appears. I'm not so sure about your full moon theory, since the weather varies so much across the country at any given time, and we're all experiencing that full moon together. That having been said, we're getting crazy winds here at the moment. And no, it's nothing I ate. ;)
I don't know about the full moon, but my first though was no cozy clouds either. A crystal clear winter moon is best viewed from within a parka or an outdoor sauna.
Love the brand moo banner!
Love the frosty photo! I don't know if the moon being full makes it colder, but if you can see it, it is clear which is always colder! Was there a ring around it? That will mean the weather is changing, not necessarily for the good either.
We had a full moon this morning too - I was wishing I had my camera!!!
Pretty pictures, even the "frozen one"
I like the frosty picture too!!
And I'm so sorry about the cold.
I noticed the moon this morning, too. I should have bundled up and took a picture of the huge orange ball. It was beautiful against the sky. I can relate with the camera freezing up. I am too, and I'm in the house!
Well, that stops me complaining. I'm going to go back and look at Crabby's warm & dry desert pictures again to warm up.
p.s. The moon was glorious last night. It shone so brightly amidst all the gloomy clouds that I stopped what I was doing just to look at it. I think you notice the cold more when you're admiring a view.
Holy cow! That was wild, to see the camera frosting up. (I won't even tell you temp here - I've realized that what *I* think is cold isn't that cold! Ha!)
Hope the physio appt goes well!
Unfortunately, I had so much trouble trying to start my truck this morning that I missed my physio appt! Apparently the plug-in cord for the block heater in my truck is broken. Sigh.
I did eventually get to town, though because I had other things I needed to do.
But it has warmed up.... a little!
Beautiful pictures. Hope all went well at your appointment.
Thanks, Maggie, but my truck wouldn't start so I had to cancel my appointment!
These are lovely photos BL. I never thought of your correlation between the full moon and the coldest days although it's an interesting thought.
Pouty Lips - it probably has to do with the fact that when it's really cold, the sky tends to be clear, making the moon more visible.
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