She has always been an early riser. One of her most vivid memories from early childhood is of waking up with the sun and sneaking out of the house to sit on the doorstep and watch the light crawl across the lawn, shadows creeping to meet it's relentless advance.
Here is a photo of her surroundings when she has her coffee:
The sunsets around here are spectacular and seem to last forever. The long twilight gradually dims and the last streaks of colour finally fade away.
Here is a photo of a sunset from last autumn. Pretty, isn't it?

What's your favourite time of day?
that sunset is AMAZING!!
and mine is right when the Tornado wakes up.
before she's moving too too much and is all about the quiet snuggle (I know. cue sappy music ;))
Wow...mother nature has an impressive palette!
I love Sunday afternoons - nap time with the Bad Cat!!
You've got some very poetic turns of phrase there, Cousin. Most enchanting.
Great pics.
My favourite time of day is sunrise and slightly before sunrise when the day's potential is still ahead of it. I also love deep twilight. It's a time of magic when time itself ceases to exist and all things are possible.
Favorite time of day? Bedtime, when the kids are finally in bed and my and the wife have a few peaceful minutes to ourselves before we fall asleep on the couch from exhaustion.
Wow - beautiful sky!
I love the early mornings too - that really cold blue light you get just before the sun comes up.
There's something really special about that bit of the day before anybody else is up, it feels like it's all mine.
TA x
Miz - the sunset last night was fabulous, too. I had to go pick the Cow Whisperer up from the hayfield and was going to take a picture on the way back. Got delayed, though, and the show was over. Sigh.
Missicat - oh, yes, snuggly naps with cats are good, too!
Cousin dfLeah - we certainly must share some common blood!!
TB - I can understand that feeling, although I've never had kids myself.
TA - that's how I feel, too - that "mistress of my universe" for those few minutes, no demands on my time, etc. feeling - until the cat starts scratching at his empty dish, or the dog drops his toy at my feet...
Does 5:00 pm count as a favorite time of day? I sure do look forward to leaving work every day LOL!
I'm not really a sun rise or sun set person, although I see way more sun sets than sun rises. I love sitting outside when a storm is moving in. The clouds are always moving fast and it's neat how dark it can get so quickly : )
df Bag Lady,
Depends on the season. In spring and fall, I like early evening the best. In winter I like sunrise the best, because it is late enough that I actually see/feel its power. In summer I like sunset the best because the sun and I are not a good mix. I am fair skinned and burn at a mere glance of the sun.
Emily - sure that counts as a favourite time! It used to be one of my favourites, too, when I was working full time!
dfTerrie - Yes, I guess I should have qualified it a wee bit - you won't find me sitting on the deck with a cup of coffee, watching the sun rise in the winter when it's minus 30 or 40!!
But you will still find me up and about at 5 or 6 in the morning - that's just the way I am.
And I'm like you - fair-skinned and burn easily.
Well, you and Leah are early Birds - I'm a night owl. My favorite time of the day is watching sunsets, although I do appreciate a good sunrise - in the winter! ;)
We can't all be the same, sis! Variety is the spice of life, or something...
Fantastic pictures!
My favorite time of day changes all the time... but I'm a big fan of seeing the sun rise and set. And the hour or so before the sun rises is beautiful. I kind of like being awake while the rest of the world is still sleeping.
Sagan - that is one of the best things about early morning, isn't it?
That sense of peace and solitude.
I especially love the Bag Lady's photographs. They make me want to use up my whole storeroom of adjectives. Breathtaking! (See, one already got away.)
i love morning too! I am not much of a night person. Like TB said, when the kids are in bed, it's lights out for mommy too. I feel amazing most mornings unless the twins have decided a middle of the night waking is fun!
Thanks, Amy - go ahead, use them up - the dictionary is full of them!
new*me - the morning really is the best!!
A beautiful sunset indeed. I wish I could learn to be an early riser.
Thanks, Arlene! I think it's something you are born with!!
I think both ends of the day are my favorites. I'm very much not a morning person, but now, thanks to menopause, I _can't_ sleep later than seven, so I'm up with my coffee whether I've had enough sleep or not. I love that beginning/ending feeling.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Mary Anne - you're suffering through menopause, too? Ain't life grand?! Sigh.
wish I could have coffee there every morning. btw- your porch almost looks like my dream porch!
Thanks, Adria! I'm so glad you like it. It's a great place to have coffee in the morning.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
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