This is the Bag Lady's container garden! Mostly pepper plants and tomatoes, with a few flowers thrown in for good measure

These are called super chilies....

This is a banana pepper (see how much it's grown in just a week or so?)

Oh, and can't let you get away without looking at a delphinium or two (this one has white centres)

And this one is black in the centre:

Have a great day!!
Every year I vow to start a container garden. Every year I fail to do so. So I'm going to live vicariously through your container garden!
Oh, those peppers look good. Me want. Me want. Me want.
Gena - enjoy the container garden vicariously! I'll try to remember to post lots of progress photos!
dfLeah - how is your supply of the peppers I sent you? There are more where those came from!
I love peppers! I need to try my hand at them next year.
Must confess I haven't had the courage yet.
But now that there's a fresh supply growing merrily I think we'll try them.
Want peppers too! yum.....
Those peppers are coming along nicely! Hope mine start to catch up soon.
I was happy to see blossoms on my pea plants this weekend, and I have one tiny green tomato so far. Took pictures but haven't had a chance to post yet.
SB - they are really easy to grow!
dfLeah - do give them a try. If all these peppers produce, there will be lots!
Missicat - send me your address!! :)
Javachick - your peas are ahead of mine - mine haven't started blooming yet. Of course,that might have something to do with the deer eating them off....
Loverly. What do make with all the hot peppers when they're ready?
df Bag Lady,
The dephiniums are magnificent. Do they arbitraily come up with black or white centers or do they have different seeds?
Sagan - salsa. Lots and lots of it. I can it so there's always a big supply. Most of my garden is planted with salsa in mind. Onions, garlic, peppers, tomatoes. There is nothing like home-grown, home-canned salsa!
I also make my own pizza sauce and can it for use on the pizza we cook in the outdoor oven.
dfTerrie: they are two different varieties, so the come from different seeds. But they are perennials, too, so they come back year after year, so I don't have to actually plant the seeds now.
I have pink delphiniums, too, but they haven't bloomed yet this year.
why do I look at those pictures and imagine it is so calming and soothing to live where you do!
Mizfit - maybe because it IS! There is a little breeze today, the window beside me is open, and all I hear is the rustling of the leaves in the breeze. (oh, and the hum of the computer...)
Wow - those peppers are HUGE.
I've only had luck growing cayenne peppers. Do you buy the plants or grow from seeds?
Now that I'm done operation inside the house, next year is outside...and i want to grow some herbs and peppers. Your garden is growing so well! I've just got a strange looking rhubarb plant and some vines and daisies :)
Would you be willing to part with your salsa recipe?
wow! your veggies grow fast up there. I've had 3 tomatoes this year (1 regular, 2 cherry) and they were YUM. I'm definitly planing more next year. My pepper plant died : ( I love banana peppers, I hope yours are good!
Geosomin - the peppers are coming along nicely, aren't they? I bought them as bedding plants from a nursery.
I'm not sure yet if I want to share my salsa recipe..... email me and beg, and I might consider it! :)
Hi, Emily! That's too bad about your pepper plant. My tomatoes are coming along, but nowhere close to ripening yet!
Things do grow fast here because of our long daylight hours. Good thing, too, because the season itself is pretty short.
Those peppers look awesome! I am hungry...nice pictures!
Thanks, Mark. Sheesh, now I'm hungry, too.
Looks good Sis! I love the delphiniums!
Nice container garden. I'd like to do that but just didn't have my act together in time. Maybe next year.
You know, if you do avocado and lime trees, you'll be able to make your own guacamole...
Really looks good.
When you mentioned homemade salsa, my mouth started watering!
I'm curious as to why those peppers are called "super." Are they really hot, or do they have super powers?
I should like peppers that give me super powers.
Reb - thanks! I love delphiniums because they are pretty, and they attract hummingbirds.
BG - Thanks! Yummm - guacamole. Wonder if avocado and lime tree would grow here....Nah, probably not.
Susan - I'll let you know when they mature - I wouldn't mind having super powers.... :)
Great shots Baggie. Your porch/deck looks like it goes on forever. I'll bet it's a very relaxing place to sit.
Hi, Hil! Thanks - the deck stretches the entire length of the house, so it does seem to go on forever (especially when it comes time to clean it....)
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