The Bag Lady is going to share a few more flower photos today.
Here is a volunteer sunflower. The Bag Lady feeds the birds in the winter, and some of them are really messy eaters. The Downy Woodpeckers are terrible for flinging seeds all over the place! There are sunflowers growing in all sorts of strange places. This one is in the flowerbed, so the Bag Lady left it.

The lilies are in full bloom. And the
mallows are vying for attention, too.

Here's a close-up of a lily after a rain-shower.

Here are the pink delphiniums. Things in the flowerbed have shifted around a little over the years - the purple ones growing in front of the pink ones used to be beside them. Hmmm... gives flower power a whole new meaning!

And lastly, raindrops on roses...

...and whiskers on kittens...

Have a good day!
are you messing with me (read: the cluelessgardenwonder)?
is that flower really called a mallow?!
So if mallows grow in marshes would they be marshmallows?
Love the beautiful flowers and who can resist a sweet cat face? I certainly can't.
I want to see the photo of wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings!
Great shots, Baggie.. very pretty flowers.
Snorting at Crabby's comment! And adding.. the golden coloured ones sing "They call me Mallow Yellow" ;)
It seems my musical post has caught on...
Miz - actually, yes.
Crabby - actually, yes.
The confection actually DID originate from a plant. Of course, nowadays, they make it differently, using gelatin and corn syrup or something....
(mallows are classed as noxious weeds in some provinces, and I understand why - they are quite invasive and tend to take over the garden if I'm not paying attention!)
Hilary - it's really hard to get pictures of those damned geese...
So where's the crisp apple strudel?
Great pics, df Bag Lady.
dfLeah - Oopsh, foggod a tag a... *gulp*... {sorry, had a mouthful}.. forgot to take a picture before it was all gone. :)
Excellent reference Bag Lady! Love that "raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens."
Also, just love kittens. And cats. Basically, felines. :)
Javachick - me, too (love the felines, I mean.)
Mallow is also a herbal remedy used to cure cystitis! I think it's generally good for inflammation too.
More about the Downy woodpeckers and other bird life please, I am a massive bird geek!
Oh this post made me so happy. One day I too will live on a ranch with mallows and peckers.
TA x
tokaiangel - I'd be delighted to share more bird photos with you! They are hard to capture on film, though, so you'll have to be patient (Sadly, the Bag Lady's bag of talents does not include proficiency in photography...)
Such a serious looking kitty face! Love the flower picks, and didn't know that about the mallows. I am smarter today then yesterday - thanks!
Ah, yes, Missicat - this is an educational blog.....hahahahaha
Your garden is beautiful...I didn't know mallows were where marshmallows came from. I just figured they were a clever name to disguise the gallons of sugar...
I discovered this week there are bluebells in the yard. Who knew?
Perhaps "natural" gardening (ie. doing nothing) encourages the wildlife to advance on its own :)
Geosomin - Thanks!
I'm a big fan of "natural" gardening! You should see all the 'natural' stuff growing around here (dandelions, thistles, fireweed, clover.....the list goes on and on!)
Aww musicals:) Very pretty flowers and cat. You must be having lots of fun with your camera!
Sagan - my computer is filling up with all the photos I've been taking! I need to go through them and delete the bad ones (out-of-focus, or pictures of the ground...)
That's a kissable kitty face if ever I saw one!
Brown paper packages tied up with strings?
Thanks for the nice comment. I'm feeling very strong and totally ready to let it all go - today!
Well, we have been having the thunderstorms today. Thanks for the song to go with them!
Lovely flowers Sis, good shot of the cat's face too.
BG - he'd probably let you, too - he's a real cuddler!
POM - Glad to hear it! You go, girl!
Reb - Thanks. Sorry to hear you're getting stormy weather - hope nothing serious comes out of it!
oh my your flowers are beautiful!!! There must be something magic in the soil up there...I guess months and months of freezing weather might actually be good. Keep the pictures coming, they brighten my day : )
Thanks, Emily! Glad to know they brighten your day. There are lots of flowers that like to have a dormant period, but there are so many that you can grow down there that I've never even seen...I guess we're even!
Man, I want some marshmallows!
Nice cat!
SB - the only way to eat marshmallows is roasted over an open fire!
Thanks, Mark!
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