The Bag Lady has more flowers blooming, and less imagination flowing, so she's posting more flower photos. Again.
Here are some of her delphiniums. They actually look a lot more purple in real life.

She has two different types of the blue/purple, one variety is quite a bit taller than the other.

This is the same plant from a different angle.

Here are the lilies that have just opened. She is not sure what they are called. (
Hey, she's not a botanist - she isn't even a very good gardener....she just likes pretty flowers!)

And she thinks these are really pretty!

And last but definitely not least, here are some of her tomatoes. She is really looking forward to making salsa. And pizza sauce. And just eating some of them.

With any luck, her mind will re-appear and she will have a clever, witty, amusing post for you sometime soon.
(Don't know where it could have gotten to, she had it a little while ago....)
Those are my fave color so who needs witty when you have purple I always say.
Or will start to say.
Either way.
Thank G-d it's thursday.
When you find your mind, see if it ran away with's missing too. *sigh*
Almost Friday!!!
Your flowers are a contained wild riot of life.
The tomatoes look delicious.
Beautiful lillies! And home-grown tomatoes always taste 1829030 times better than the ones in the supermarket...yum.... Expecting tomato-based recipe posts any day now ;0)
TA x
Miz - purple has always been my favourite colour, too!
Missicat - maybe our minds went on vacation together. Hope they have a good time...
dfLeah - thanks! It got quite cold here last night - lucky they didn't freeze!!
Tokaiangel - Thanks! Yes, there will soon be some recipes for some good stuff!
I don't know what those lilies are called, but I used to see some that looked like that when I lived in North Carolina, so they must have quite a range.
Mary Anne in Kentucky, tomatoless
Hi, tomatoless Mary Anne - I used to write things down when I planted them, but must have forgotten those. I think they are called Oriental Lilies, but could be wrong.
Lovely pics, Baggie. I love those lilies, especially.
Benny just nudged something under the couch.. I sure hope it wasn't your mind.
Hil - would ya pull it out and check for me? I know it's gotta be around somewhere - I had it not long ago...
Beautiful Sis. I remember at one time you picked up some lilies that were called "Stargazers" (I still have a couple of years on you for memory) are those them?
Bag Lady - your garden is definitely wilder than mine, but I like it. You have the space for a garden like that.
The lilies are very pretty; lovely colours.
I wish my tomatoes were as far along as your tomatoes. Soooo impatient. :)
Hi, Reb - they could be...there is another lily there that hasn't bloomed yet, so those could be the Stargazers, I'm not sure. Sigh.
Javachick - your flowerbeds look very tidy and well-behaved. Mine look rather like unruly children. I'm not a good disciplinarian, I guess! :)
I love the Lilies.
Thanks, dfTerrie - so do I!
I used to have a herb garden in my backyard. I loved it to death and watched over it carefully every day. But even now I get the basic herbs mixed up all the time! I think its okay to have gardens that we think look pretty even if we don't really know whats in them:)
Sagan - it's nice to know I'm not alone! I bought a plant when I bought the tomatoes and I lost the stick, so I can't remember what it is. It', I think. I'll have to post a picture so someone (cousin Leah?) can tell me what it is! :)
The delphiniums look like enormous blue bonnets! They are all so lovely.
Thanks, SB. The photo you posted of the blue bonnets a few months ago was gorgeous!!!
There are days when I just don't care if I'm witty or not. But there's not a day that I wouldn't want to walk through a yard full of flowers like these. I'm envious. (And to top it off, down here in S.C. the drought took most everyone's tomatoes!)
Aww, Amy - that's sweet! I'm glad you like my flowers. Of course, I can't imagine a day when YOU aren't witty!!:)
My tomatoes are coming back after the frost at the beginning of June, but they may not produce many tomatoes. Dang weather.
Not a very good gardener?! Pshaw! Pshaw, I say!
Your flowers are gorgeous! Love that purple color; I bet it's even more gorgeous in person. :)
So glad to see your tomatoes looking happy and well.
Ooooh, pretty, pretty!
I don't ever get tired of flower pictures....especially since mine are all wilted and sad looking in the intense summer heat we're having.
that's a gorgeous tomato!
Gig Harbor florist
Susan - thanks! They really are pretty in real-life - more purple-looking than in the photos.
EWBL- Thanks! Sorry to hear things are wilting down your way. It was almost cold enough here last night to freeze. Geez Louise!
Arlene - Thanks! And thanks for taking the time to comment!
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