One year, the cowboy's cousin brought his 4 year old daughter. We thought it would be funny to try to scare her, so the cowboy put on a mask and cape and snuck out the back door, ran around to the front and came up behind the little girl. The obligatory scream and jump and we all laughed (the little girl included) until she lost her balance and fell against the door, banging her nose and making it bleed a little. The cowboy felt terrible for having caused this, but the little girl was fine.
In the years since, the first words out of her mouth on Hallowe'en have not been "trick or treat?" but "where's Uncle?"
Happy Hallowe'en, everyone.
Glad the girl was okay and that she enjoyed it despite the accident.
If she's still asking, then that trick worked even better than expected.
Oh, yeah, she still remembers it, and that was probably 8 or 9 years ago! She still looks over her shoulder when she comes to the door...
Oops! Glad she has no hard feelings.
In our neighborhood, the kids are all little and cute until about 9 or so, then when sometimes get some older ones who are scary for real. (One drunk junior-highish kid tried to force his way into our house one time). So we tend to turn lights out on the early side!
Happy Halloween!
Great Photo! I don't get kids in the apt bldg, but one year at my house, I had a kid who was well over 6' (with real facial hair) tell me he was only 14.
Crabby, I'd turn out the lights too!
Traumatized for life! ;) Love the pic.
The pumkin candle and porch light goes out right after the first kid comes by who:
A) Has a voice deep enough to make me jump.
B) Has facial hair.
C) Smells of cigarette smoke.
D) Can be heard swearing a blue streak.
E) Tells me it's late and since no other kids are likely to come around, I should just give him what I have left.
Unless of course it's my own son, and then C had better not be part of that equation. I'm quite used to the rest. ;)
Way out here in the country, we don't really have to turn the light out - don't get but one or two kids (one record year we had four!). We live almost a mile off the highway, and there's only 2 houses on this road, so I guess they figure it's not worth it.
(And the trick-or-beer-ers don't usually show up 'til later). So it's hard to explain why the Bag Lady has to buy FOUR bags of those little chocolate bars and yummy treats. She SAYS she puts them in the cowboys' lunch...
All good Halloween memories should have a bit of blodd in them.
Too true, Travis!!
Crabby - drunk teenagers trying to force their way into your house? Sheesh, I'm glad we're isolated!
Hilary - your comment makes the Bag Lady think you have something against smokers...or is it just teenaged smokers?
I'm sorry, I haven't done a very good job of responding to comments in an orderly fashion today - I'm in a bit of a tizzy over the upcoming sale. More about that tomorrow...
Bag Lady,
I'm an ex-smoker myself.. I was one of those smoking teens.. and not in the good way. I quit in my late 20's when I first started trying to get pregnant. I don't thnk that smoking is ever a good thing but I wouldn't consider myself "against smokers." Some of my best friends...
All I meant was .. if they're old enough to be smoking, they're too old to be trick or treating.
And I absolutely don't want my kids to smoke.
Well, Hilary, the Bag Lady was one of those teen smokers, too, and is still fuming away like an idjit. But she has been trying to quit, and really, really wants to be a non-smoker before she turns 50...which is rapidly approaching. She has quit a couple of times, but hasn't managed to maintain it. But she will. She will.
And good for you! Perhaps if the Bag Lady had had children...
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