seems to think he lives at the Bag Lady's house.
Sadly, the Bag Lady knows this is not true.
And so do the Bag Lady's critters! This poor guy hangs around on the deck and wants to be let into the house, in spite of the unfriendly response from the cats. He has also been chased away several times by the Princess, but he persists in coming back.
The Bag Lady is going to have to try to find out where he really lives, because she is sure he is someone's pet. He is very friendly, and the Bag Lady thinks someone must be missing him!
Poor kitty! Are you feeding him?
Im not a cat person---and I think even I would cave, feed, and hope the owners never materialized :)
You've lived there since before he was born, so Going Back to the Old Home is not the solution.
When I had two roommates with cats, the cat food was kept beside the kitchen stove. A cat belonging to the former tenant--living about a mile away--would get all confused-like and come to our house, walk right past the cat bowls to the other end of the kitchen where Bobby used to keep the cat food, and look up at us and meow: "Where's my food?" Not the brightest cat I ever knew.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Aww .. if I know you, Baggie. You're feeding him anyway.
kcinnova - ummm.... no-o-o-o... err... not really. *ahem* Well, okay, a little.
Miz - he is so darned friendly, and wants in so badly - he was actually up on his back legs, pawing at the door last night! Until the Princess stood on the other side of the door, barking like mad!
Mary Anne in Kentucky - I have no idea where he came from. He's full-grown, and seems reasonably healthy. I might have to make up a poster to try to find his owners.
Hilary - I'm shocked that you think I would feed him! (shocked, that is, to realize how well you understand me!) :)
Poos puss. I think kitty knows he'll get help from you.
I know what it's like to have a lonesome critter that is used to human slaves come by and want to stay.
dfLleah - I sincerely hope he wasn't abandoned by someone. People will do that, especially with cats - take them out to the country and leave them because they think they can fend for themselves! I feel very sorry for him.
He sure is a cutie. Hopefully he finds his home again!
Oh! That would be breaking my heart! Hope you find out where he belongs. He's a pretty kitty!
Sagan - I sincerely hope so! It may just be a case of spring fever that has him wandering the neighbourhool.
....And I would be feeding him too. And wanting to let him in, but my cats (well, mostly Frank) would go nuts.
JavaChick - he is very pretty, and comes when called. I hope he finds his way home.
I actually only fed him last night, which was probably a mistake, but I felt sorry for him.....
Awwww who can resist that sweet little face?
Aw...I hope you can find his people soon. I know I'd be frantic if my kitty ran off. He's the friendly sort too so he'd likely suck up to the nicest person he saw and look for some food :)
That is a pretty darn appealing look he's giving you...
Definitely try to advertise for his owners, and don't be surprised if he is abandoned. We get that all the time with the cat rescue, people drive out to the country and just leave the poor animal, thinking "somebody will take care of it."
The lack of responsibility of some people infuriates me.
He does look like a cutie, too.
Poor lost kitty. He knows a good home when he sees one!
That is so sad. I know it'll be a pain but it would be great if you could find his owners...if they haven't left the country :-( It's pathetic what some people will do. Could you give him as a gift???? Oh, I know...try a nursing home if there's one in the area. I've read that many of them allow pets because the residents love having a pet to care for!!! Try that.
Awww, what a sweet liddle face. He's a lovey oh yes him is, oh yes hims a lovey.
Guess we know why my poodle is so spoiled (and disturbed).
Maybe try Kijiji to see if anyone is advertising they lost him?
I'm very glad you are feeding him, he must need it if he is lost or abandoned.
My verification is Meola...maybe his new name if he gets to stay on the Ranch?
You've got a good heart, Baggie. Stray cats are so darn hard to resist - I know we've been "suckered" in to homing strays several times.
The good thing is they often have fabulous personalities. Seem to know that they have to try extra hard to be cute and appealing!
Did someone dump him at your house? We get a lot of that close to my Mom's place. That's actually how we wound up with most our dogs and cats growing up. I hope his owners come looking for him, or that you can otherwise find a good home for him!
Missicat - he is awfully cute, isn't he?
Geo - I keep thinking that someone must be missing him - I know I would!
The Merry - he knows a soft touch when he sees one!
messymimi - it infuriates me, too! I can't imagine being that irresponsible!
BG - he needs to worm his way into the hearts of the other critters who live here, though, and they are quite territorial.....
Cheryl - I don't know if the nursing homes in town would take him, but I'll keep that in mind. He is so friendly, he'd probably be perfect for that.
Sparrow - gah! Don't NAME him!! He'll have to stay for sure if he has a name! :)
I will check out Kijiji, though.
Dawn - I'm such a sucker for a pretty face.... and he does have a personality! He was pawing at the glass door like he really expected me to let him in!
Gena - it is a possibility that he was dumped. Or he could belong to someone who lives nearby. There are a lot of new people living out here now.
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