The Bag Lady recently received an email extolling the virtues of honey and cinnamon. Apparently, honey and cinnamon can cure whatever ails you.
Now, the Bag Lady may be one of the few people in the world who doesn't really like honey. She finds it cloyingly sweet. The Rancher, on the other hand, is a big honey fan - he will eat it with peanut butter on toast in the morning. Of course, the Bag also is not a fan of peanut butter with jam, either - she prefers her peanut butter straight (yes, sometimes straight out of the jar!) or, on occasion, wrapped in chocolate!
But the Bag Lady decided last night that she hasn't challenged herself lately, so she is going to give the honey and cinnamon thing a try. Apparently, a tablespoon of honey mixed with a teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of hot water, taken half an hour before breakfast is supposed to help you lose weight (as well as prevent cancer, cure your arthritis, clear up your complexion, fix your hemorrhoids and vacuum your house for you.... okay, okay, that last one was just wishful thinking!) So she is going to try it. Because, really, what harm can it do? Besides, it actually tastes darned good!
Honey and cinnamon in a cup of hot water? Hmmm...
I LOVE cinnamon. I go through cinnamon at a ridiculously fast rate. Honey is good stuff too but I just like a little bit with some butter or peanut butter on toast, yummy.
I'm glad honey is supposedly a superfood :D
Sagan - I have heard various things about honey - don't know how true they are, but look at how healthy bears are! Bee vomit simply HAS to be good for you! :)
I love cinnamon, too, and it definitely makes the honey more palatable.
Honey and cinnamon in water? Sounds like the latest gimmick to me. I'll just keep putting it in my granola bars and hope for the best.
BG - that was my response, too, but it tastes good,and makes a nice change from coffee..... :)
Actually, I don't mind either honey, or cinnnnanomon, but can take them, or leave them. But, give me a honkin' big cinnamon roll. Now that's a different story! If they could just make those rolls without calories, we would really be talkin'!! I like honey in hot lemonade when I have a cold because it is supposed to help, but, don't know if it's really the hot water, or the lemon that does the trick. Oh, wait, there should have been a bit. or a lot of rum in it! Then you wouldn't have to worry if you had a cold, or, not.
Interesting! This makes me want to do more research into this... Do you have a link to an article or anything? And you're right - certainly can't hurt to try! I normally drink herbal tea in the morning but I'll try switching it up to honey and cinnamon. I'll let you know if anything happens. Thanks bag lady!
For a minute I thought you were gonna start dinging like Mary Poppins.
Honey and cinnamon in a cup of hot water? Just add a squeeze of lemon and a shot of whiskey and you've got yourself a hot toddy!! :) Definitely good for what ails, LOL!
I've read that a shot of olive oil in the morning is good for you, but I've never tried it. I have read about and tried a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil in a cup of hot water. Once the oil dissolves, it is sweet and only slightly disgusting because of the oily residue. And it definitely fills you up! I'm not sure what the honey would do, since it is sugar, besides increase your blood sugar.
PS: A spoonful of peanut butter is called a "peanut butter sucker" at our house.
It seemed like such a good idea when you said you'd do it that I did it a little while ago. I was craving a cinnamon bun so I thought it would do the trick. Very soothing to the tummy. I am a wee bit concerned about it being a cure-all, especially the part where it restores hearing, but both products are supposed to be good for a body so it's worth a shot.
RE: olive oil. I have a shot in the morning. It does make me feel good.
Redbush - not sure if I could handle it with rum first thing in the morning, but maybe in the evening....
Charlotte - I can send you the email that I got - it makes some pretty wild claims, but there may be a grain of truth in it.
Travis - that cracked me up! Now I'll be singing suerpcalifragilistic expialidotious all day!
kcinnova - a peanut butter sucker! Perfect description!
dfLeah - it does taste good even if it won't necessarily fix my hearing!
I often eat a spoon ful of peanut butter when I want a quick pick-me-up. And we use honey on almost everything (haven't bought syrup in quite a while). I don't like them mixed together, though. Hubby does.
We also add cinnamon to pancake and g.f.bread batters, and I take 1-2 cinnamon capsules a day to help with my high blood pressure and pre-diabetes. Vee at
Vee - I didn't realize you could buy cinnamon in capsule form. Cool! I like the taste of it, though, and mixed with the honey and hot water, it makes a nice drink!
Well, I'm all for honey and cinnamon... but I'd never heard of taking them for weight loss! Seems counterintuitive. But certainly much healthier than diet pills or other "miracle" cures.
Now you've got me craving a peanut butter and honey sandwich, darn it!
Crabby - I'm a wee bit skeptical too, but what the heck - it doesn't seem as drastic as some of the other "diet" concoctions out there!
So I assume you'll get back to us after trying it for a period of time? ;)
look at YOU living life outside the regular ole bag lady comfortzone!!
(Im trying honey for my allergies right now...theyre so bad Ill try anything)
Interesting. I never cared for honey either. I'll give it a try.
Hilary - of course I will. And I hope anyone who tries it lets me know how it worked for them
Miz - is the honey helping with the allergy symptoms?
Maggie - glad to know I'm not alone in my dislike of honey!
I got this email as well Bag lady, except it was from my FIL who is all about 'alternative' treatments, most of which have no scientific research of any kind backing it up! So needless to say, i was skeptical at its all mighty power, but I am known to frequently put some honey and cinnamon into my oatmeal..shhh, it's our little secret!
btw- peanut butter and honey on trying that tom morning!
I've heard that too...I like honey with tahini and banana slices on toast. I also like honey in green tea...I can't do it just in hot water. It makes me that much closer to my Mum who thoroughly enjoys cups of hot water instead of tea or coffee.
It's a slippery slope this age thing :)
Hmmmm....definitely let us know how it is working for you! Not a big honey fan either.
I agree with kcinnova about the hot toddy - that would work for me!
I googled it after you sent me the email Sis and there are pages and pages of links. Most copying directly the email you got, some seem to have been from holistic places and didn't copy it verbatim. I remember getting flyers probably last year, to buy this book that mentions all the various natural cures and think this is probably from there.
I can't see that it will do any harm as long as a person isn't allergic to it.
Hey BL, I never liked honey much either, when I was growing up. I'm still not fond of it as a sweetener, but then I don't sweeten things very often now. I DO like in in baklava. :-)
I was wondering if we'd been sisters in a past life: doesn't like honey, check; prefers peanut butter straight, check; likes cinnamon...and then you said "makes a nice change from coffee" and I jumped back in horror. A change from coffee is never nice!
Mary Anne in Kentucky
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