Wednesday, January 7, 2009


The Bag Lady does not as a rule watch very much television. That said, she caught the beginning of a brand new program on television last night that made her cringe. It actually made her squirm with embarrassment, and she only watched the first few minutes. It supposedly depicts life on a ranch in Alberta....... gah. She wonders if this is how folks in Dallas reacted when that program made it's debut all those many years ago!

She's pretty sure this is only on Canadian television, which is notorious for being *yawn* a wee bit boring. She's pretty sure this show is trying to break out of that mold, but unfortunately only looks ridiculous. She's also pretty sure that it won't last. She is also pretty sure... nay... positive, she will not be watching any more of it!

In other news, the weather sucks. Oh, wait, that's not news, that's normal for this time of year! It's cold and snowy. Meh, it's Alberta.

She has a busy day ahead of her. She has an appointment in town with her physiotherapist, cows to feed, horses to feed, and calves to chase out of the hay-yard. They must have figured out how to open the gate between their corral and the hay-yard. Brats. So the Bag Lady will have to figure out how to fix it so they can't open it again! And it's not like they don't have plenty to eat in their corral. I guess the hay is always greener.....


Anonymous said...

hoping you are greeting this wednesday feeling BETTER and that the Rancherman is doting on you as he always should :)

the Bag Lady said...

Miz - well, if he's doting, it's from afar! He had to go back to work this morning (at 4 am!)

Anonymous said...

Afar is underrated ladies. My DH and I have been working in the same house together for over 5 years. Carrying the Pepto Dismal in a hip flask? <3

the Bag Lady said...

Marianne - actually, the flask is in my boot..... and there is something good about afar! Really.

Leah J. Utas said...

Good for you for braving "Wild Roses" or whatever the hell that abomination was called. If I'd been home alone I might have given it five minutes. Glad I didn't. Speaking of Canadian television attempts, did you catch "Being Erica" on Monday? We gave it half an hour. Packed it in after the woman, time-travelling back to high school before the big dance, found a second use for her electric razor.
Hope your day goes well.

the Bag Lady said...

Ah, cousin, I'm so glad I missed out on "Being Erica" and how clever are you to have figured out what show I was talking about. I hadn't even seen a commercial for it, so when we landed on it totally by accident I was unprepared for the sheer idiocy.

No wonder all the great Canadian performers move to the States....

Penny said...

Hey, I can come and make a programme about the Bag Lady's ranch life! That will be much more convincing. Good luck with the physio, is she creating new ouches still, or making the old ones go away?

TA x

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the physio, and I hope you're feeling better.

I guess the calves want the other hay because they can't have it.

the Bag Lady said...

TA - ooohh, that would be so much fun!! Can you just imagine the trouble we could get into!? :)
As to the physio - she was away last week,and I had to cancel the appt. I had with her replacement due to my illness, so I'm thinking she will have to make up some lost ground. ~sigh~

Tricia - Thanks! Yes, those darned calves are just brats! As soon as it is light, I have to go figure out how on earth they got that gate open....

solarity said...

Good luck with the calves. It reminds me of this summer when I was driving to the new house fairly often, and I saw these three little calves (about four months) grazing in somebody's front yard, and I looked for the electric fence, but I didn't see any. Then about a week later I met them ambling along the ditch, heading for the same front yard. Then a couple of weeks later, there they were again! I think I've figured out where they came from, because that pasture suddenly sprouted three new kinds of fencing in one corner, and I didn't see them out again, but they sure were determined to eat that particular grass.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

the Bag Lady said...

Mary Anne - it's amazing how persistent they can be about some things! Must have been really yummy grass on that lawn!
I'm pretty sure I won't have too much trouble getting them out of the hay-yard, now that they have discovered the joys of oats! Methinks all I'll need to do is rattle the pail and hope they don't have their heads shoved so deeply into some of that forbidden hay that they can't hear it!

Geosomin said...

Sounds like you feel better...I'm glad. I couldn't drink Pepto *makes* me gag. I'm a Gravol and Maalox gal myself...
Chase the cows around for a while to let off some stress :)

the Bag Lady said...

Geo - aw, c'mon, Pepto isn't so bad. I always hold my breath and tell myself "at least it's not Buckley's!!" which really does make me vomit!

Missicat said...

Hay is always greener? hehe
Unfortunately do not get Canadian TV here so cannot "enjoy" your programming...

the Bag Lady said...

Missicat - I promise, you aren't missing much by not getting that particular program! It is too bad, though, that you can't see some of our comedic talent, like Rick Mercer, or "This Hour Has 22 Minutes" - political satire at it's best. You'll have to find yourself a Canadian satellite receiver..... hehehe

Crabby McSlacker said...

I was working at a law firm when LA Law came out, so I know what you mean! I think you should film a documentary, Bag Lady!

But, um, Leah, that electric razor thing actually sounds kinda funny!

I hardly watch tv anymore unless it's a fancypants cable series on DVD that's a couple years behind.

Anonymous said...

I think I might have access to a Canadian channel or two now... as I did back when Bob & Doug Mackenzie were doing their show (27 years ago?). "Good day, eh?" *snort*
I'll look for your shows...

Hope this means you are feeling better. I think we were all ready to stage a bloggie intervention!

Reb said...

Sis, I actually watched that got very slightly better after they got the fables out of the way. Did you see the oil pumpers scene? Hello... unless that land has been in the family since the railroad came through and is a freehold, there is no way that they make any money off of the oil in the ground. No sign of rail tracks, no mention of the ranch being in the family since old granddad bought it from the rail co.

Unfortunately, being Canadian content, it will air forever.

Hope you feel better.

Anonymous said...

Those are clever critters you've got!

Canadian television is hilarious. And so silly. My sister loves watching it as a guilty pleasure (she's all about "little mosque on the prairie"- which she especially loves after living in Istanbul for a year), but I have to leave the room when Canadian programs are on. They're too awful hehe.

But agreed that we have wonderful satires. (When is Rick Mercer going to run for Prime Minister?!)

Anonymous said...

I'm from Alberta, so totally know what you mean about the current flood of cold weather. Snow, snow, and more snow! Let's try to embrace it, as best we can! LOL

Hilary said...

Late to the party, as usual these days. Your font is a bit more chipper, Baggie. I'm being hopeful here..

Anonymous said...

For those of you who can't "gag" down liquid pepto-bis - there are
pills (tablets to swallow, or yummy chewies in different flavours). We chew them daily as preventative measure when on vacation in other countries. Warning tho -turns your tongue black when you drink milk or eat yogurt.
Watch The Hour - great Canadian show!!!
Your BC cuz

JavaChick said...

We're getting snow here, which is supposed to change to freezing rain...then rain...then back to snow. Ah winter in the maritimes - never a dull moment.

Anonymous said...

How are you feeling? Aside from the weather and the chores you have to do, I mean! Ha!

Also, I'm curious about this tv show now! What was it about???

the Bag Lady said...

Crabby - If I film a documentary, will all of my blog-buddies come and star in it!?

kcinnova - I'm glad that you got to see some of the Canadian shows - Bob and Doug are icons, eh.

Reb - you must have more intestinal fortitude than I do - of course, mine has been weakened by my recent illness.....
:) I simply couldn't stomach any more than 5 minutes of that drivel.

Sagan - perhaps we should start a movement - Mercer for Minister!! Prime, that is, with a Capital P.

Sharon - Welcome! I just drove home from town in this blessed snow, and almost kissed my porch, I was so happy to be off that highway!!

Hilary - chipper - that's me!!

Hey, cuzzie! Thanks for the tip. I actually don't have too much trouble with the liquid Pepto, as long as I can chase it with water!
The Hour is a good show, too!

JavaChick - oh, I hate freezing rain. Especially if it turns to snow - it's just so treacherous! Hope your forecast is wrong and you don't get any!

Marste - I am feeling slightly better, thanks, and am awaiting the lab results to find out if I have some horribly rare disease that can only be picked up in an exotic location. Of course, if I do, I'd sure like to know how the hell I got it - the most exotic place I've been lately is the pasture!

The television show in question was supposed to be about a ranch in Southern Alberta. As far as I can tell, the show chronicles the lives of the off-spring of said oil baron/ranchers (a bunch of spoiled rich kids). When one daughter went sauntering out to the corral to "break" an already saddled horse in her designer chaps and long flowing coat, I started to giggle. When they showed the enormous, Hollywood style ranchion (is that a word, or did I just make it up?), with a cowboy in full regalia hanging Xmas lights on the porch, I started to gag. I have to admit, I've seen some mighty big houses around these parts, but I guess I don't travel in those circles. It was like a poorly made copy-cat version of "Dallas", minus the big hair.....

Dawn said...

Hope you're feeling better, Baggie.

This is the third attempt at making Blogger let me comment so I'm keeping it short!

the Bag Lady said...

Thanks, Dawn! Blogger is having issues, again?!