Monday, January 14, 2008

Cleaning Tip

Here are a few more household hints and handy tips.

Well, one, anyway.

If the door of your woodstove has glass in it, the easiest way to clean the inside of the glass is when you empty the ashes from the stove. Simply dip a dampened paper towel into the ash and scrub the glass with it. Use another clean, damp paper towel to wipe away the residue, then let it air-dry. For the outside of the glass, you can use a commercial glass cleaner, or vinegar and water.

Now, isn’t that something you can’t believe you lived this long without knowing?!
(The Bag Lady was going to put a photo of her woodstove here for illustration purposes, but that would mean she would have to clean it first...)

The Bag Lady is full of little tips like this, but doesn’t want to share them all at once and cause a major overload. (In other words, she can’t think of any more right now.)

Oh, wait. Here’s another one. The easiest way to clean the barn? Get someone else to do it!

What’s your favourite cleaning tip?

(The Bag Lady is fully aware that this is a really lame post, but hey, it's Monday.)


Sarah said...

Most people probably already know this one, but it amazed me the first time I saw it in action. Newspaper is the best "cloth" for cleaning mirrors.

Crabby McSlacker said...

I come across great cleaning tips all the time and then totally forget about them.

Something about vinegar or lemons blah blah blah, that's how my brain processes it.

Since my brain seems to repel this sort of information I guess it must mean I have a dirty mind.

Hilary said...

I'd like to know how to clean the glass on an electric stove. The insides of the two layers of glass.. which get messy when things drip down from the stove surface through those little ventng holes. Yes, I'm a messy cook. It's just as well that I don't have a wood stove. I can imagine that while cleaning it, I'd just make a big ash of myself.

the Bag Lady said...

Sarah! You added a photo! Cool! Now the Bag Lady will always know it's you, and not some other Sarah. And yup, newspaper works great for cleaning mirrors and windows.

Crabby - love the way you think! (You dirty minded thing, you!)

the Bag Lady said...

Hilary - if you find out how to clean between those layers of glass, the Bag Lady hopes you'll share with us. (Actually, if Baggie remembers, she can ask a relative - he was an appliance repair person, so might know)
You are such a silly ash - love it!

Leah J. Utas said...

Excellent tip.I'd use it if I had said appliance.

Moisture and fog on your windows? Take a paper towel and wipe it off. Take the soaked towel, put a bit of dishwashing liquid on it and proceed to wipe the offending window. Wipe all traces of soap and then walk away. Window gets clean and it prevents wetness and fog.
It works. I've done it. Credit one of the books featuring Hints From Heloise for this.
Helps keep fog off the bathroom mirror, too.

Hilary said...

Leah's tip is foggin' brilliant! ;)

the Bag Lady said...

dfLeah - the Bag Lady will have to try that - if she remembers to the next time her windows fog up.
Oh, Hilary....

Emily said...

now that is something I could have used! When we lived in my in-laws former house they had a wood burning stove that had not been cleaned in like 30 years- the glass was gross!

My favorite cleaning tip (which I haven't used yet...) is the vinegar and water "trick" to clean soap scum off your shower curtain liner. I'm so lazy I usually just buy a new one when they get gross.

Hey and good tips for potty training a dog!?! We're still working on it and I think because he's not a puppy it's harder (like peeing inside has been instilled in his little value system or something!!)

the Bag Lady said...

Hey, Emily: the Bag Lady will pop over to your blog and leave you some tips for training dogs...

Reb said...

Ah yes, exactly what I needed to know. My favorite trick to clean grease off the fan cover (over the stove) is to sprinkle it with washing soda, then pour vinegar over it. Add a little dab of dish washing liquid and hot water, swish and rinse.

the Bag Lady said...

That is a good one, Reb. The soda/vinegar combination also helps clear a sluggish drain.
Gosh, we're just all domestic and stuff today!

Terrie Farley Moran said...

Good old rubbing alcohol on a paper towel will remove smudges and brighten faucets and knobs in the bathroom and kitchen.

I have a friend with a wood stove and I will pass along your hint to her.


the Bag Lady said...

Good tip, dfTerrie - the Bag Lady will have to try that one.

Anonymous said...

You are too funny, but where do you find the time??

Look forward to seeing you and the "cowboy" soon.


the Bag Lady said...

Hi, Lorraine! Thanks for stopping by!
How do I find the time? My house is a shambles, the dog is alone, the cowboy is working, I wish I had a clone...
Oh, really bad poetry. Sorry.