Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Meanwhile, Back at the (really freakin' cold!) Ranch

The Bag Lady thought Sunday was bad, what with the power failure starting her day off, but that was only because she hadn't experienced Monday yet!

Yesterday morning, the Rancher got up and went to work at his usual OMG-it's-early!-o'clock, and the Bag Lady got up not long after he left. When she went to the bathroom and turned on the tap, a wee trickle of water was all it produced. She sighed deeply, struggled into her clothes and grabbed a flashlight. Monday morning was even colder than Sunday morning had been, and the heater in the pumphouse (where the well and the pressure tank that delivers water to the house is situated) had been turned down during the recent warm spell. When the Bag Lady got to the pumphouse, she could tell that the Rancher had been there before her. (Footprints in the snow, the pumphouse was quite warm, the heat gun was already plugged in and lying close to the pipes. "Bag Lady - Girl Detective") He had thawed the pipes a little, but the ice was still jammed in there, so the Bag Lady worked on them a little more.

By the time the water was flowing freely, it was too late for her to take a shower to get ready for work. Still dressed (although not exactly in the attire that would be presentable in her work-place.... ahem), she went out to start her truck. The Rancher had very kindly plugged in the block heater on her truck for her, so it should have started. It didn't. It tried, then made a funny little grinding noise, and refused to try any more.

She went back into the house and called her work place to tell them she couldn't get her truck started and didn't know if she would make it in to work. She consulted with the Rancher on his cell phone, and he told her how to hook up the super-duper heavy-duty battery charger he purchased for this very reason. Out into the cold she went again. She dragged the super-duper heavy-duty battery charger from the shop to the house and decided she needed to use the extension cord that was currently (get it? snicker) supposed to be delivering current to her block heater. When she tried to unplug her block heater from the extension cord, the end of the plug came right off the cord going to the block heater! Which explained why her truck wouldn't start. The current wasn't getting through the broken plug to the block heater.

She finally managed to pry the broken plug off the end of the extension cord, and plugged in the super-duper heavy-duty battery charger. She wishes she could report that her truck sprang into life with a roar, but unfortunately, it did not. The super-duper heavy-duty battery charger did supply enough boost to the battery to make the starter work, but the truck was just too darned cold to start.

It took until 3:00 in the afternoon for the Bag Lady to get her truck started. She moved it into the heated shop for overnight and will be taking it to a repair shop today.

She was not happy about missing work yesterday because Monday's are usually really busy and she has lots to do, but it was one of those things. (Why, you ask, didn't she call a taxi to come and fetch her and take her to work? It's simple, really - it would have cost her about $20.00 more to go to work and back in a taxi than she would have earned in the day. One of the disadvantages of living so far from town.)

She did manage to get a few things done around home, though, so the day was definitely not a write-off! She got caught up on paperwork and did chores and made a nice supper for the Rancher.

December has certainly not been a stellar month for the Bag Lady so far, and she sincerely hopes that that will be the end of her bad luck....knock on wood.


Leah J. Utas said...

Ermm, tell me, is it any consolation at all that your misfortune makes for great posts?

That must have been more than frustrating. I certainly hope it's all better today.

the Bag Lady said...

I hope today will be better, too, cousin! And I suppose it is a small consolation that my misfortunes make for interesting posts.... otherwise, what would I have to blog about?

Geosomin said...

Eep...hope the truck get fixed up for you. I'm glad I take the bus most days as I don't have to start the car...altho it would be nice to take a day off from freezing at the bus stop some days.
It's been stupid cold out here too...stay inside in the warmth :)

Reb said...

What a frustrating morning! Was the cord cut or just damaged some other way? I hate it when it is cold enough to bring tears to your eyes then freeze them as soon as you step outside.

the Bag Lady said...

Geo - had to go out this morning, but it's nowhere near as cold as it was yesterday morning!

Reb - just got back from getting it fixed - the wire had just given up the ghost, I think. Should be good now!

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

One of the things that I think would frustrate me in a cold clime is the amount of hassle involved in going about ordinary activities. I'm insulted at the time it takes to put on an extra layer of clothes!

Thanks for reminding me how good I've got it, and I hope today is a good one for you!

Missicat said...

And I have been complaining about the "cold" here (you would probably be in shirt sleeves). Can't imagine being so cold even the super duper charger doesn't help!

the Bag Lady said...

BG - When it's really cold here, I often dream about moving to a warmer climate, and I have to remind myself that it's really not all that bad here. We don't have snakes, or spiders as big as my hand (shudder!) and when it's cold, I can always put another layer of clothes on! When it's too hot, it's hard to take your skin off....

Missicat! Good to see you! How are you feeling?? And, without knowing how cold it is there, I'll tell you that I am actually a bit of a wimp, so if it's hovering around the freezing mark, I usually have to put a long sleeved shirt on! (Unless I'm having a hot flash! Then it can be a lot colder and I'll like it!) LOL

Conny said...

Holy Smokes! How bleapin' cold was it there?? You did at least a half a day's work just trying to get out the door. Coat on: Coat off: Coat on, etc. Repeat until exhausted.

Glad it's better today.

Melissa said...

Mmmm...well hey...we had snow last week...a little bit...and it was effing cold. Ish.

And today I had to go to physical therapy at 10:00 and I had to walk six blocks to the bus and I forgot to wear a hat and it was at least 38 degrees Farenheit.


the Bag Lady said...

Conny - it was -32C (which is damned cold in Fahrenheit, too!) And yes, getting all bundled up to go out in those temps. feels like a lot of work... especially as I get older!

Melissa - 38 degrees Fahrenheit!?! And you walked six blocks without a hat??
Hope you at least had good shoes.
(38F is long-sleeved shirt weather 'round these parts - snort!)

Hilary said...

Well that's a pain. I hope tomorrow and many more days are way better.

Sagan said...

Sometimes it's kinda useful when things like that happen, when we end up doing other things (chores) that we might not have done otherwise had the day gone RIGHT!

I like the sounds of Detective Bag Lady. It has a nice ring to it.

Levi said...

This all sounds like WAY too much work. What ever happened to drinking tea and eating a pile of nutmeg fudge and cookies?

Cheryl Kohan said...

Very glad to read that you were "still dressed" when you went out to start the truck...although, at that point...

Although nothing can possibly compare to your horrible day, we're getting nailed tonight and Lord knows what it'll be like in the morning. At least I don't have to hike out to the pump house...

POD makes a good point.

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

I love snow, but I don't think I want to live where I have to plug in my vehicle. However, I am amazed that you weren't still in your pajamas at that hour! I certainly was...

the Bag Lady said...

Thanks, Hilary - I hope so, too!

Sagan - it was sort of a blessing in disguise - at least I got lots of other stuff done!
Detective Bag Lady does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

Pod - tea and cookies sounds like a great plan right about now!

Cheryl - I'm not as tough as I used to be, I'll admit, can't go out in -30 weather without some clothes on anymore....:)
Hope your storm isn't too bad!

Kcinnova - It doesn't get cold enough where you live to plug your vehicle in? Cool!

Clare2e said...

Oh Baggie- what a disaster of a day. Onward and upward and warmward from here, I hope.

carla said...

I laughed at leahs comment.
its FUNNY cuz its TRUE huh?

warm(ish. its 40 here!) hugs from texas.


solarity said...

Taxi? You have taxis????

Pump house--that's exactly, on a warmer scale, why when building this house I decided to pay to bring city water three tenths of a mile from the road, and keep paying its bill every month.

Taxi vs. city water--I'll take the water, thanks.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

the Bag Lady said...

Clare - thanks! It actually IS warmer today, in preparation for even colder temps to come on the weekend, apparently!

Miz - thanks for the hugs - I was thinking of you when I saw the weather reports from down there!

Mary Anne in Kentucky - well, they have taxis in town, which is why it would be so expensive - one would have to come out to fetch me, and they charge a lot because of the drive!
You're lucky you are close enough to bring city water to you.

messymimi said...

Your Monday sounds like my Tuesday. I do hope things get better.