Remember the day the temperature dipped below freezing at the Bag Lady's house? That chilly morning, she took a stroll out into the pasture and discovered this:
(click on any of the images to enlarge - the Bag Lady recommends enlarging the first one - it's so darned cute!)
The Bag Lady had actually been aware that this cow had decided it was time to have a calf, and the Bag Lady was glad to see the little guy all curled up close to his mom for warmth!

As the Bag Lady shivered her way back to the house, she spied this spiderweb on the barbed wire fence, and thought it looked interesting, all covered with frost:
jealous of the shivering :)
Trying to understand cow reasoning: why give birth on the coldest day of "summer"?
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Not jealous of the shivering.
Love those little ones.
And nice web.
Do these cows know you're writing about them???
What a chilly day on which to be born! I hope he has some summer left to enjoy, and that you do, too.
Spider webs that sparkle with dew are like the work of fairy jewelers, aren't they?
The new baby cow is cute. Good job on the spider web.
What a cute calf! I'm glad you captured him on film. What's his name? Frosty? ;) Hehe... he's even brown like a Wendy's frosty!
I love looking for spider webs in the early morning dew. I just don't like walking into them!
Frosty is the perfect name! If I had to give birth in August, I'd pic the coolest day, too.
So small...
So cute...
Hope it warms up for you.
I love that you can say "Meanwhile, back at the ranch," and it's not just an expression!
Love the cow & spiderweb picks. And I wonder what the spider thought about her frozen digs? Must have come as a bit of a surprise!
Carla - it's supposed to be 77F today, and 81F tomorrow. Probably still shiver-weather as far as you're concerned, though, eh?
Mary Anne in Kentucky - this particular cow ALWAYS gives birth in the worst possible conditions (snowstorms in the spring, rain storms in the summer, etc.) so it didn't surprise me in the least!
POD - LOL! I do not have their permission to write about them. (hanging head in shame)
messymimi - I think we will have a few more summery days! And, as much as I dislike spiders, their webs can be beautiful. (Except when I unwittingly walk through one and it gets all over my face. I hate that!)
dfLeah - thanks, cousin!
kcinnova - Frosty it is! And I totally agree about spiderwebs.
Marianne - that cow is pretty smart - a little shivering is better than heat exhaustion!
Geo - thanks. It's supposed to be hot for the next few days.
Crabby - can spiders shiver?
Can't believe you have frost! I think I just heard the weatherman say something about "feels like 102". Just shoot me.
Are you going to call her Frosty?
Posted my message before I read the others...ooops Thought "frosty" was original!
Great shots BL. That looks like one wickedly cool spiders web. What kinda spider do you reckon?
Missicat - yeah, I think Frosty is a suitable name!
Lucas - I am not sure exactly what kind of spider - I think probably an Orb Weaver, but couldn't say for sure.
It does look interesting with the frost on it, though, doesn't it?
Could you send some of the cold over here?
Those pictures are sweet! Just adorable calf. My grandmother used to have cows. She named them after her grandchildren, so yes, there was a cow by the name of Aleta in her pasture. Lol.
Cool spiderweb with frost on it!
Aleta - to tell the truth, I'd like to have a little of that cool weather back myself today! It's really warm here again.
That is cool about your grandmother naming her calves after her grandchildren!
Make those cows sign a contract!
Awww so cute. Boo cold weather!
POD - does a big dirty hoofprint count?
Sagan - the calf is cute, isn't he!?
Gasp!.. you breached a Cowpyright? ;)
Lovely web shot, Baggie.. and Frosty is a perfect name. :)
Hil- LOL!!
Thanks - that spider did a great job with that web, didn't she?
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