His mama is one of the oldest cows on the place, and she is also one of the friendliest and most placid (and can be really freakin' annoying if she doesn't want to go somewhere.... she just won't go!) She likes to be scratched and will stand and allow you to scratch her for as long as possible.

Or not.
Frosty is adorable! (His mama is quite the looker, too)
Pink slip of an angel... :)
do tell: how old is OLDEST? how old is OLD for having a calf??
Well...I'M too old to have a calf Carla...
Baggie - get back to work!
kcinnova - I know - but it was a very modern and progressive angel!
Miz - that particular cow is around 12 or 13 years old. The oldest cow we ever had give birth around here was 21. But, we have a couple cows that we bought at auction 12 years ago that were old when we bought them, so I'm not sure of their actual ages.
Anonymous - Marianne? Is that you?
Good work on the cloud pic. And yes, the new calf is adorable.
Love that cloud photo, and I can see why you're fond of Frosty!
And I'm pretty sure I'm too old to have a calf too!
dfLeah - thanks! He is just so darned cute!
Crabby - thanks. And I KNOW I'm too old to have a calf! :)
He is a cute little calf. Has he picked up his mom's mellowness?
Geo - it's too early to tell. He's still a little skittish.
Frosty is a sweetie! Love the angel skirt too ;)
and the spider web.
Awwww, cute little calf. And momma looks sweet too...for a cow that is.
On the ranch in Priddis we had a cow that would calve out early every year and abandon her calf so she could go back into the horse pasture. Every year.
They get weird ideas sometimes.
P.S. She had to let me go this morning, I didn't take my C-pap machine (not knowing it was a kidnapping)and my snoring kept waking up the boys. Her place looks PDG.
Can you pls get a telephoto so I can see the flies around the cows faces?
Loved the cloud picture.
Beautiful clouds! I love your description of it - I never would have thought of it that way:)
Well don't you just wax poetic! :) Cutie that Frosty but you're not going to suck me into falling for him. I know where he's going to end up eventually.
At first I thought the cow's name was Angel Skirt, and wanted to ask how she came by it. It still seems like a perfectly good name for a cow to me....
She does look mellow.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Reb - thanks, sis!
Sparrow - we won't keep a cow that won't feed her calf. It's just too much bother! But we've only ever had one that abandoned her calf.
POD - I can certainly post some pictures of flies for you, if you'd like! :)
Charlotte - Thanks! Good to see you back!
Hilary - you're right. I'm sorry.
Mary Anne in Kentucky - it is a good name for a cow. I'll remember that!
Bag Lady, I must apologize for not being someone who carries her good camera around all the time. Yesterday I drove past the play yard where the calves were this spring and there were another bunch! (This time the hay was on the ground since it wasn't soaking wet, instead of on the climbing tower, so it wasn't quite as cute.) I said "Tomorrow, I'll bring the camera, and invade their privacy, and get a shot." I forgot the camera, but they'd already been moved to the back pasture.
However, now that I'm driving to work that way five days a week, I may have another chance if they do this often.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Mary Anne in Kentucky - I hope that you do manage to get a picture - I'd love to see it!
That's such a pretty idea of the cloud!
It must be tough when you get attached to some of the cows.
Thanks, Sagan. Yes, it is tough with some of them - it's easy to get attached, and difficult to let them go.
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