Here are some pictures of the Bag Lady's garden. She spent a few enjoyable hours picking peas and beans today. There is a frost warning (can you believe it!?) for tonight in her area, so she thought she would pick a few things, just in case. She also covered her tomatoes to be on the safe side.
Here are her peas and dill:

Dill, corn, beans, turnips:

Corn and carrots, and many weeds:

This is the newest addition to the ranch:

And this was a fraction too late - the bull was resting his chin on this cow's neck - he moved just as the Bag Lady took the picture.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
You have a very large, very green garden. I'm wishing I had one, but...I don't know how! Plus my dog would probably destroy it. Perhaps a fence? And some "Gardening for Dummies" self-help books? Then I can be like you! :D
I love the next to last photo.
and know I asked you---but have you read Ferdinand the Bull?
must know --- if you havent Ill send you a copy!
Oh, the envy. Not of your frost date, though. News :( of my garden coming soon.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Frost in August is so very wrong!
Your garden looks wonderful. Well done. Now, about that silly frost warning, what happened?
Georgie - my dog "helps" in the garden. She stands on the side and waits until I pull weeds and throw them in the bush, then she tries to catch them! She will take the especially good ones out on the lawn and chew them up.
Miz - I love the photos of the new babies, too. And no, I have not read Ferdinand the Bull.
Mary Anne in Kentucky - I fail to understand why you wouldn't envy the frost in the middle of August!
kcinnova - yes, yes it is!
dfLeah - thanks. It DID freeze last night, but I haven't worked up the courage yet to check the damage. I'm pretty sure my lilies and daylilies are history, but haven't looked at the veggie garden yet.
Your garden looks terrific, weeds and all! And what a cute little calf! Welcome to the world!
BG - thanks! I'm glad I took the pictures of the garden when I did, because I fear it isn't going to look like that today after it thaws..... sigh.
Huge garden! I'm planning on turning our balcony into a nice little garden with herbs and hopefully a few potted tomato plants eventually. Right now I'd just like to have the unpacking done.
Gena - good luck with the unpacking. I'm wishing right now that I only had a balcony garden - although, with this hard frost we had last night, that may be all I'll be left with, anyway!
Wow, huge garden!
So much work... back-breaking, heavy work.
Think I'll stick to the farmer's market. Hardest thing to do there is lug it out to your vehicle.
Sparrow - but this way I don't have to go to town. Just go out to the garden when I need an onion, or potatoes for supper! :)
Back to your ranch after returning from the cottage.. it's like still being on vacation. But frost? We're getting the heat wave you had not too long ago. I was very envious! ;)
Hilary - good to see you back! And enjoy the heat wave. Our temperatures are supposed to recover to seasonal today, now that the damage is done!
Frost? You mean like Jack or David or who?
POD - Jack. The nasty one.
Beautiful green!
Frost watch = ugh. I think that summer just decided to skip Canada this year.
Sagan - it certainly has been an unusual summer! It did freeze here the other night, but is supposed to be +27C on Thursday. Crazy!
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