Friday, April 20, 2012

Photo Finish Friday - Random Ranch Photos

Here are a couple more calves that have made their debuts recently.....

"Lift butt, then bring front feet under .... at least, that's how it worked last time!"

"Another photo? Sheesh, I'm napping!"

"Why are you ignoring me?" (calf from last year)

The sun rises out of the tractor?

( Leah at the Goat's Lunch Pail is totally to blame for Photo Finish Friday!)


Leah J. Utas said...

Excellent tractor pic.
Love the new baby cows.

the Bag Lady said...

Thanks, cousin! I thought the tractor looked pretty cool with the sun rising from it's roof!

messymimi said...

You have beautiful babies there. Even the older one.

solarity said...

That's some power source that tractor has!

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Hilary said...

The calves are adorable as always but that tractor pic is great. Perfect shot, Baggie.

the Bag Lady said...

Thanks, messymimi!

Mary Anne - cool, eh?

Hilary - thanks! I thought it looked interesting.

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

For that beauty, I guess I would get up early to take a picture... but it looks a little cold out there by the tractor, even with a pink sunrise!

The calves would let me sleep in, wouldn't they?

the Bag Lady said...

Karen - it wasn't really all that cold.... right around the freezing mark.
And sure, you could sleep in, but then you'd miss all the fun!

Reb said...

Love the tractor pic. The only way it could have been better is if the forks were lifting the sun ;)