The Bag Lady doesn't have much for you today. She took a couple of photos last night, though, and thought she'd share them with you.
First, there was this cloud. It looked like an anvil, and if it had been spinning, would have been really scary. But it wasn't. Spinning, that is. So it wasn't. Scary, that is.

The Bag Lady's area was under a tornado watch for part of the day yesterday, but she didn't know about it. Guess she should turn the radio on once in awhile. Apparently, an F1 tornado touched down on a farm in central Alberta and did some damage. Very unsettled weather lately. It's rather.....unsettling.
When she looked out a few minutes later in the other direction, there was this. It looked almost close enough to touch...but it doesn't really look that way in the picture. So it obviously wasn't. Close enough, that is. To touch, that is.

By 11 pm it looked like this:

So what's happening in your neck of the woods?
Oh my. Absolutely beautiful. Thankyou Bag Lady. You make me want to run away from the city forever!
The view from my house is crumbling Yorkshire terraces under slate-grey, drizzly skies. Kids throwing firecrackers and "muck ont roads". The visual poetry of miserablism!
I don't know if you've heard of the playwright Alan Bennett, but he was born and raised on my street. It's not glowing moons and pine trees, but it has a funny beauty all of its own!
It has been hot hot hot hot here. HOT! Wish I could take a picture of how HOT it is here.
We have actually some tornados here in the D.C. area the last few years, which is pretty odd. and scary!
SO BEAUTIFUL (consults thesaurus) and LOVEALICIOUS. :)
not a thang shaking up in herre.
Gorgeous moonshots, df Bag Lady.
I heard about your tornado watch on the news and wondered how it went for you.
We yet another quick hit hailstorm late yesterday. Garden has escaped so far.
tokaiangel - Thanks! Now I will Google Alan Bennett.
Missicat - tornadoes are rare here, too. There was one that swept through the city closest to us a few years ago - kinda scary!
dfLeah - I turned the radio on this morning, just in case.
Things are not looking all that great this morning to the west - I think we are in for a little rain. Perhaps even some thunder, but hopefully no tornadoes....
Miz - not much going on here, either, hence the extended weather report.... :)
The sky looks gorgeous. Theres a kind of beauty about unsettling weather- even if it is rather unsettling!
Too true, Sagan. You can find beauty anywhere if you look for it.
Wonderful moon shots sis! Love the cloud too. Nothing going on here.
Hi, Reb - glad to hear nothing going on...
It's clouding up again here now - really black clouds. Maybe I should check for tornado watches!
Wonderful shots, Baggie. I took a few of the full moon last night too but will have to see how they turn out. I'm never quite sure how they're going to look until it's on the computer.
Stay free.. tornado-free, that is. ;)
Thanks, Hilary! I'm sure your photos will be much better than mine! My cheap little camera doesn't do the best job with that sort of thing. Or perhaps it's the operator....nah! :)
I love taking pictures of clouds. Hoop's always finding odd shapes in them. Like boobs... or rabbits humping. Yeah, you can totally tell he's a dude.
Tink - that's too funny! Trust a guy to see rabbits humping....:)
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