The Bag Lady spent part of yesterday cleaning out a couple of her cupboards. She finally got annoyed enough with the barbeque tools that were rattling around in one of the cupboards that she decided to do something about it.
She found an old pair of blue jeans and thought she could perhaps turn them into something useful. (She's all about the recycling!)
So she turned this:

Into this:

Now her barbeque tools are no longer aggravating her when she tries to get something else out of the cupboard and when the season starts again, she can hang them all together on the side of the barbeque.
Creative, and you actually do what you think of doing.
I really like the barbecue tools holder. Damn smart idea.
Hey, that's a good idea! Have you been hanging around Wardrobe Refashion or something? :-)
dfLeah: Thanks! I do occasionally do what I think of doing, but mostly I just think of things to do so I don't have to do the things I need to do...sigh.
BG: Actually, Wardrobe Refashion comes to me for ideas!! Hahahahahaha
What a good idea Sis!
Thanks, sis!
I want snow!
How pretty!
Thanks, Sydney. It was rather pretty, and the best part was, it melted away quickly! :)
That's an excellent idea!
Why, thanks, running knitter, and thanks for stopping by!
Who knew that the Bag Lady was really Martha Stewart.. great idea Baggie. :)
Thanks, Hilary, and I appreciate you keeping that fact under your hat!! Didn't want anyone to know...
Clever! Do you routinely recycle old things into functionable items?
Also I love it when the trees are frosted like that.
Sagan - I do try to recycle things, especially fabrics... I've made a quilt out of old blue jeans, for example.
I like the frosty look on the trees, too...but I prefer to see the green leaves, and can hardly wait for them to start popping out around here!
Snow....in April?!?
There should seriously be a law against that!
Oh, MC, it has been known to snow in every month in this part of the country! We don't even plant our gardens until close to the end of May! Snow in April is not at all unusual. The one good thing is that it doesn't usually last too long.
Very clever!
And wow, do I have a lot of catching up to do. The assembly instructions cracked me up, and I loved the calf video. Good thing human babies aren't that precocious.
Missed out on a lot with no internet!
Crabby!!!! We have missed you, too! Does this mean you are all settled in at the new place and back in blogland?
and skillz.
Ill pass on the snow thankyouverymuch.
Miz - I'm ready to pass on the snow, too...
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