The Bag Lady went out this morning, as she does every morning, to check her cows to see if any of them had a calf. Again, as she does every morning, she counted her cows. And came up one short. They were standing in a clump of willow trees, so it was easy to miss one, so she counted them again. And again came up one short. (The Bag Lady does have a little trouble counting, especially when she's wearing rubber boots, which renders her toes unavailable...)
She finally decided that, indeed, there was one cow missing, so off she went on a cattle hunt. She searched the entire ranch, and finally, at the far end of the place, tucked away in the bush on the edge of the swamp, she came upon this:

So this is the first of our young heifers to calve. And she did it all alone, with no human interference or assistance. Fortunately.
Oh, and for those of you who have been following the Bag Lady for awhile, Spooky still has not had her calf!!
Aww.. what are we gonna name this one? ;)
We are open to suggestions!!
Congrats! Perhaps "Sneaky"?
What a cute baby moo-moo; too bad they grow up to be such big, stinky animals (oops, my suburban roots are showing again.) I'm glad the calf arrived safely; don't the mom's usually require assistance in birthing?
Thanks for the comments on my pictures and plane stories. I'll try to keep the rest of my post up beat and not so negative!!
Congrats on the bouncing baby bovine.
Clare - that is very appropriate!
Emily - yeah, just like people - all babies are cute, then they grow up to be stinky adults! :)
dfLeah - thanks!
Your babies remind me of that scene in City Slickers when Billy Crystal helps to birth the calf. Those little buggers are so darned cute!
He named his calf Norman if I recall correctly. If one ever comes out burnt orange in color, you must name it Bevo for my Texas Longhorns!
Yay! Welcome to the world, little heifer!
Yay! Happy B-day, little guy.
I like "sneaky" also.
SB - the Bag Lady's favourite scene with a calf in a movie was in "The Cowboy Way", when they tied the bad guy up, yanked his trousers down and sicced a hungry calf on him!! (most cowboys crossed their legs at that point in the movie!)
And will keep Bevo in mind for any burnt orange calves (how about light red? Pretty sure we'll have some red ones...)
BG - thanks!
Missicat - I agree, Sneaky seems to suit.
So cute!!
Thanks, Sarah - I think so, too!
Awwww, what a cutie. I like Sneaky, but just hope she doesn't live up to her name or you will have to be watching her constantly.
Well, her mother is actually the Sneaky one, I suppose. We'll just have to see if she follows in her mother's footsteps!
How adorable! I love cows. Growing up we had 2 cows that I named Fred and Ginger. I used to love to let them suck the salt off my fingers.
Just stumbled on your blog -- really enjoying it!
Cute little mini cow :)
Sneaky sounds great to me...but then I've never had a cow before.
Welcome, Haley! Hope you stop by again. Love the Fred and Ginger names!
Hi, Geosomin - I finally answered your tag today (did you see?), but then the calf came along and I had to share the pictures! I have a feeling that Sneaky is going to stick!
Adorable! Congratulations.
Thanks, Sagan!
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