Is anyone else disillusioned with the direction our society appears to be heading? It seems as though the only thing that rules is greed. Governments give lip service to the public good, but the only reason people seem to go into politics anymore is for the money. A few years in politics and they receive a pension for life, regardless of their actual contribution.
Oil companies care nothing for the environmental damage they do. Money rules there, too. Fracking (blasting the rock deep underground to release the gas trapped there) is very damaging to underground water supplies, but the "greater good" rules - who cares if a few underground water wells are damaged or destroyed? The need to wring every ounce of gas and oil out of the ground to fuel society's machines takes precedence.
So many young people appear to have no moral compass anymore. Cruelty to animals, bullying, a sense of entitlement and their lack of personal connections dominate. They have no idea where their food comes from, nor how to employ the simplest of techniques to ensure life and limb. Take them out of the city, drop them in the woods without a GPS and they would be totally lost and starve to death because they have no idea how to navigate nor what is edible (no, you can't pet that bear cub.... didn't you see the sign saying not to feed the bears? 'Cause that's what you'll be if you get between momma and her cubs - bear food.)
We are constantly bombarded with exhortations to look younger, better, thinner; have more hair, less hair, no grey hair, thicker hair, curlier hair, straighter hair (what is this obsession with hair?); fewer wrinkles, age spots, lumps and/or bumps; better sex lives (
partly spent seeking medical attention when your erection lasts longer than 4 hours...); lower cholesterol, whiter teeth, fewer leg twitches, fancier cars, televisions, cell phones, games, tablets.... the list goes on. (When did natural aging become a disease to be cured? Is there an app for that?)
We are admonished to bubble-wrap our children in order that they attain adulthood without scars, disabilities, drug addictions, immunity to disease, common sense, the ability to stand up for themselves, or suffering any kind of negative life experience. This will ensure that they are well-rounded, capable adults who can speed-type (but not spell) with the best of them, but will faint at the sight of a shovel, or a piece of paper and pencil.
Huge conglomerates dominate government to the point where policies are based not on what is good for the people or the country, but for the stockholders. It matters not that one company appears to be in control of most of the seed in the world (and are genetically modifying it for some nefarious reason!), the government made money.
(Conspiracy Theory Alert.) If you control the world's food supply, you control the world.
The Mayan calendar ends this year. Did they really know something we don't, or did they just get tired of doing all those calculations? Ran out of room on the tablet?
(Yes, I'm aware that this was rather a lame post.... hence the title!)